Peace in Palestine = Peace in the World



Brotherhood Between Indonesia and Palestine through Indonesia Hospital

sajadi - Monday, 16 March 2020 - 13:14 WIB

Monday, 16 March 2020 - 13:14 WIB


By: Sakuri, Waliyul Imaam Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah) Jakarta

Gaza cleric Sheikh Doctor Imad Maqooth gave his appreciation to the volunteers of Indonesian Hospital (RSI) construction in Gaza, Palestina. He called them as people with the spirit continuously burning.

“That spirit never dies and it never ages.  For example, an Indonesian volunteers in Gaza is 50 years old, the spirit is not 50 years, but 20 years, “said Imad.

He revealed it to the volunteers of Indonesian Hospital in Gaza who attended a routine lecture on Friday afternoon, March 13, 2020, at Wisma Indonesia with topic “Ukhuwah (Brotherhood) in Islam”.

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According to him, how difficult the volunteers who were traveled far away from Indonesia to Gaza, leaving their families, property, and work, while in Gaza is so difficult facing the challenges in the situation of blockade and war. It will not happen to just the 50 years old unless the spirit because the spirit continuously burning. That spirit is a soul.

There are no ethnic advantages

Sheikh Imad delivered about the message of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam (Peace be upon him) when giving the Hajj Wada sermon’, Musnad Ahmad (Hadts Number 22391):

From Abu Nadhrah I have told people who have heard the Prophet’s sermon in the middle of Tasyriq, he said: “O people!  Your Rabb is one, and your father is one (meaning Prophet Adam). Remember, there is no advantage for Arabs over non-Arabs and for non-Arabs, there are no advantages for red people over black people, for black people over red people, except with piety. Did I deliver? ” They answered: “Yes, it is true that the Prophet sallallaahu‘ Alaihi Wasallam has delivered. ” (Musnad Ahmad)

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The hadith was revealed before 1,400 years ago, now the world understands that virtue is not in shape, skin color, height, posture, and wealth, but what is seen is piety and charity.

إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَنْظُرُ إِلَى صُوَرِكُمْ وَأَمْوَالِكُمْ وَلَكِـنْ يَنْظُرُ إِلَى قُــــلُوبِكُمْوَََََ

“Truly Allah does not see your appearance and wealth, but rather your heart and your deeds.”  [Muslim HR]

The appearance and our property is the destiny of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.

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Umar bin Khattab radhiyallahu ‘anhu as amir al-mu’minin possessed 1,000 brothers who he memorized their names and names of their fathers and memorized the location of his houses as proof that ukhuwah islamiyah was so firmly established as learning for us.

Al-mar’u ma’a man ahabba

Muslim is a brother and along with the one he loves.

In a story was told, one of the friends cried in front of Prophet sallallaahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam. Then the Prophet asked, “Why are you crying, my dear friend.” The friend replied, “O Messenger of God, you in heaven will be in such a high degree, whereas I, if Allah enters me to a low paradise, not as high as you, even though I love you so much, O Messenger of Allah. In this world you are the one I love the most after Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, but someday because of the different positions you and I will separate because the place and position are different. ” Then the Messenger of Allah said, “Al-mar’u ma’a man ahabba (that person will be with whom he loves).”

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The glory of visiting fellow Muslims

Among the moral virtues of a Muslim is the pleasure of visiting his fellow Muslims. However, this visit was not based on worldly needs but based on love for his brother because of God.

Propeth Muhammad said:

“Someone once went to visit his brother in another area. Then, Allah sent an Angel to him on his way. When he came, the angel asked, “Where are you going?”  He replied, “I want to visit my brother in this area.” The angel asked, “Is there something you want to get from him?”  The person said, “Nothing, except because I love him because of Allah‘ Azza wa Jalla. ” Then the angel said, “Verily, I have been sent by Allah to you to proclaim that Allah loves you as you love your brother because of Him” ​​(HR Muslim no.2567)

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From the hadith it is emphasized that people who visit each other because Allah will be loved by Allah Ta’ala. Imam An Nawawi said:

فِيهِ فَضْلُ الْمَحَبَّةِ فِي اللَّهِ ، وَأَنَّهَا سَبَبٌ لِحُبِّ اللَّهِ وَفَضِيلَةِ زِيَارَةِ الصَّالِحِن

“In this hadith, there is the virtue of loving each other because of Allah, and that is the reason for getting love from Allah and the virtue of visiting pious people.”  (from Mirqatul Mafatih, 8/3135)

But , if the visit is based on love because of Allah, not because of an earthly goal. The words explained by Ath-Thibi, “That is, did you get something in the form of worldly benefits so that with this departure you can develop it, that you can have and perfect it?”  (Mirqatul Mafatih, 8/3135)

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And apparently the man answered, “No.”  So he deserves the love of God.

Try to pay attention to our relationships with friends because of the relationship of togetherness because of God, because of worship to Him. Even though, there is no world benefit relationship when we can attribute it, then actually friends like that are friends who are due to God.

The Prophet sat with friends who came from different countries with different positions, but sat together in front of the Prophet. Next to him were Abu Bakr radhiyallahu ‘anhu who was a Quraysh of Makkah, Umar bin Khattab from the Quraysh tribe, Shuhaib bin Sinan Ar Rumi from the Romans, Bilal bin Rabbah from Habsyi, Abu Dzar Al Ghifari from the Ghifari Tribe and Salman Al Farisi from Parsi. Who collects with different backgrounds before the Prophet to become noble friends with the same position before the Prophet? Of course the answer is God, who made them love each other because of God.

Part of the sunnah when we love others because of Allah then we come to his house and say that I love you because of Allah.

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There is such a high position, that is the pulpits from the light beside Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala which is certainly not easy to achieve but we want to achieve it.

الارواح جنود مجندة فما تعارف منها ائتلف وما تناكر منها اختلف

The souls are like a gathering army, then those who know each other thereof will naturally harmonize (easily associate or adjust to each other) and the opposites thereof will undoubtedly cross each other (opposite). ” HR. Imam Muslim from Abi Hurairah and Imam Bukhari narrated as a review of the hadith Siti Aisyah)

The spirits in the neatly arranged line will not know each other except when in the world they declare mutual love between them because of God. Their spirit will feel each other’s closeness. Interaction between the spirits is due to the interaction of their love for God when in the world.

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The spirit never dies and the spirit never ages, for example an Indonesian volunteer in Gaza who is 50 years old but not 50 years old, but 20 years old. And how hard it is for volunteers to travel long distances from Indonesia to Gaza as explained above.

The body can die and the proof is the body is buried, but the spirit will not die.  When you miss someone, is it your body or our spirit that feels homesick?  The answer is our spirit.

Proof of love of Prophet’s friends and mujahid Yarmuk

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Proof of high love, when Abu Bakr radhiyallahu ‘anhu saw the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu‘ Alaihi Wasallam drank, then Abu Bakr felt so deep happiness. That is a love relationship because God is so deep.

The view at the end of Yarmuk war was very touching. There are three Companions of the Prophet who lie weak full of wounds and blood. They are none other than Ikrimah bin Abu Jahl, Al Harith bin Hisham who valiantly advanced against the Romans, as well as another friend, namely Ayyasy bin Abi Rabi’ah (other narrations mention not Ayyasy but Suhail bin Amr).

So the water was brought to Al Harith.  But Al Harith saw Ayyasy turned to him. Al Harith also requested that Ayyasy drink his first fresh water. “Just give him the water,” said Al Harits. The water was brought to Ayyasy. But before gulping it down, Ayyasy had died. So the drinker returned to Ikrimah and Al Harith so that they could drink water. But too late, both of them had died as mujahid.

How noble the morals of the companions of the Prophet. Rven when the sacred death, they still prioritize brothers and sisters rather than themselves. This cannot be done except because of the love between them because of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.

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The friends present a heroic history that is not personal, but more concerned with other friends even though the conditions are in a condition between life and death.

Umar bin Khattab radiyallahu ‘anhu when he felt that death was approaching, he asked permission from Aisha to be buried on the side of the Prophet. That’s how friends are so loved because of God, then when they die they want to be buried in the side of the person they really love.

Abdullah bin Umar once said that he once loved the Companions of the Prophet, more than gold and silver, but when it shifted to the next age today, humans loved gold and silver more than loved their fellow Muslims. That is a shift in value.

Itsar prioritizes his brother Gaza fighters

In the 2014 war in Gaza, there was an incident that there were about 20 fighters who were trapped for 20 days in a collapsed tunnel, closed all the exits because of Israeli aircraft pounding.

Each warrior is usually equipped with date by his wife. Then their leaders gathered all the dates they brought. The leadership divides at dawn and when breaking the fast, it is very limited. Similarly, limited water is distributed using water droplets per warrior. This is one example that put his brother in current condition.

Closing his lecture, Sheikh Doctor Imad Maqooth hoped, with a capital of love for God, hopefully “we” can jointly enter the Aqsa Mosque in a state of independence and liberation.

“May Allah make us people who have a stake in the liberation of Al Aqsa. Let us open the doors of shares in the liberation of the Aqsa Mosque, “he said.  (AT/RE1)

Source: Edy Wahyudi, Site Manager of Phase Two the Indonesian Hospital Construction in Gaza, Palestina

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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