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Admin - Wednesday, 13 February 2013 - 10:46 WIB

Wednesday, 13 February 2013 - 10:46 WIB

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It is helpful and useless in constipation and indigestion. It is also helpful for a person suffering from peptic ulcer and other stomach problems. When a person gets up from the squatting position to the standing position, his weight is concentrated on the ball of the feet, which improves the strength of the back muscles, thigh muscles, knee muscles and leg muscles.

The ruku and sujud (bowing down and prostrating to the floor) are great postures against femoral and esophageal hernia. These positions in the prayer are also prophylaxis treatment, of a person suffering from hemorrhoids (inflammation of veins in the rectum and anus) which in layman’s terminology is called as: piles. These positions of salah are also helpful in prolapse of the uterus. In sujud, the knees form a right angle allowing the stomach muscles to develop, plus prevents growth of flabbiness in the midsection, and reduces high blood pressure.

When sitting on the knees after sujud, this helps toughen the legs and hips and makes them stronger, ensuring you have more flexibility in joints plus stretching out muscles. It encourages an upright posture, which is good for the spine. In addition, the body returns to even greater relaxation, and the posture assists digestion by forcing the contents of the stomach downwards. Also, since most of the pressure goes to the lower half of the body, the upper half of the body, especially the shoulder and head will be relaxed.

Furthermore, we repeat the sujud within a few seconds after sitting on knees. What this does is cleanses the respiratory circulatory and nervous system. There is also oxygenation of entire body, while sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are relaxed.
Praying the Fajr prayer (dawn prayer) stops long amounts of stillness, as one gets up from sleep. This decreases the chance of gaining diseases like: arthritis, osteoporosis, anemia, etc. Moreover, the dawn prayer prevents you from getting too much sleep and scientific established facts informs us that too much sleep increases the chances of gaining diabetes, heart disease, early death, etc.

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Salah is light exercise and is heavy in spiritual deeds, so you getting a 2 in 1 workout. Moreover, in salah, the recitation of the Quran occurs. During the recitation, the sound vibrations of the long vowels: Aa, Thee and oo stimulate the heart, thyroid, pineal gland, pituitary, adrenal glands and lungs, purifying and uplifting them all.

These body movements performed during the salah are an excellent source of exercise for our heart as well. According to a Hadith, Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:
“There is a piece of flesh in the body if it becomes good (reformed) the whole body becomes good but if it gets spoilt the whole body gets spoilt and that is the heart.” (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 49)

It is the heart. A tissue in our body is the cartilage. It is unique in being a living tissue with no direct blood supply. The only way it receives nutrients and oxygen is by movements of the joints. The pumping effect forces blood into the joint area which would otherwise be bypassed. Those who sit at the terminals are in greater danger of ending up with dead cartilage tissues that will subsequently wear away.

This will leave us with arthritis, painful joints and paralysis. Bacteria and viruses find safe haven in joints for this reason as no blood cell can get at them and in most cases neither can antibodies. Salah therefore, has many orthopedic benefits for all Muslims.

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There is also great wisdom in the timing of the five daily prayers. The salaat which tends to impact most dramatically on the routine of most believers is Fajr, as it is often this prayer which defines the sleeping pattern of the believer. Studies in America have shown that for most people the optimum amount of sleep required is seven hours, while those who exceed this period tend to have slightly shorter life-spans.

Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) in this respect, like all other areas, provides the best example. It is narrated that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) would sleep soon after Isha and then awake at midnight to perform night prayers. This sleep routine has been adopted in Europe to treat patients with depression, as this structure has been found to improve well-being.

In this article a glimpse of the benefits of prayer has been presented and Insha Allah with this knowledge you may develop a greater appreciation for your salaat.

Do you know ? Your Body receives a huge amount of Electromagnetic waves daily!

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You get these Electromagnetic waves through the electrical equipments that you use and many other various electrical equipments around you live! Also, through the electrical lights which can not be switched off in certain cases for even an hour!

You are a source which receives huge amounts of electromagnetic waves! In other words, you are charged with electromagnetic waves without realizing it!
Due to this electromagnetic charge! You have headache! You feel uncomfortable! Laziness, dizziness and pain!

What will be the solution for all the above harmful effects?

A non-Muslim Scientist (from Europe) made a research from which he concluded that the best way for the body to remove the positive Electromagnetic charges which hurts the body is: By putting your forehead on the ground more than once, so that the ground will discharge the positive harmful Electromagnetic charges!

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This is similar to the grounding of the buildings where any positive electrical signals (Like thunders) would be discharged through the ground. So, put your forehead on the ground to discharge the positive electrical signals! What makes this research more amazing is that: The best is to put your forehead on the sand.

And it becomes more amazing that: The best way is to put your forehead on the ground while you are positioned to the centre of the Earth! Since you will be able to discharge the electromagnetic signals in a better and more efficient way!

And you will be amazed when you know that Makkah is scientifically proven to be the centre of the Earth! And that Holy Kaaba is the exact centre of the Earth!
So, “Sajdah (Prostration) on Turbah (Piece of Clay for Prostration)” in your prayers (Salah or Salat) is the best way to discharge the harmful electromagnetic signals from your body daily five times!

It is also the ideal way to be very close from the Almighty Allah (SWT) who created this universe in such a creative way! Almighty Allah (SWT) will always ask us to do things because they are helpful and useful for us! There are cases when we won’t know the reason for a certain act, but sooner or later, you might be able to find the reason! In any case, you should trust the Almighty Allah (SWT) and know that whatever you do for Him, is the best for you!

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We do not prostrate to discharge the electromagnetic waves, but to obey the Almighty Allah (SWT)! We trust that in His commands, there is always a wisdom! Our trust is because He is the Creator, He knows everything! However, since a scientific reason is available, it was essential to show it to the people so that they can see that whatever Muslims do, is good for them! (HSH/E1)


Mi’raj Islamic News Agency

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