Based on the verses of the Qur’an
Think not of those, who are slain in the way of Allah, as dead. Nay, they are living. With their Lord they have provision. Jubilant (are they) because of that which Allah hath bestowed upon them of His bounty, rejoicing for the sake of those who have not joined them but are left behind: That there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve. They rejoice because of favour from Allah and kindness, and that Allah wasteth not the wage of the believers. (Surah Ali Imaran: 169-71).
” And call not those who are slain in the way of Allah “dead.” Nay, they are living, only ye perceive not.”(Surah Al-Baqarah: 154).
” And those who are slain in the way of Allah, He rendereth not their actions vain. He will guide them and improve their state, And bring them in unto the Garden which He hath made known to them.. “(Surah. Muhammad: 4-6)
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Based on the hadith
Abu Dhar said: “I asked: O Messenger of Allah, What deeds are the most important ?, he replied: Faith in Allah, and jihad in the path of Allah.” (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).
Salman said: “I heard the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam said: Watch out on the front lines in one day and night is better than fasting in the whole month with worships at night. And if he died while on guard and his work is continued by others, then for him blessing continuously without break, and he survived from the grave slander. “(Narrated by Muslim).
Mu’adh said, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam he said: “A Muslim who fight in Allah’s way although as long as a man milking a camel then he is entitled to live in heaven. And whoever injured and bleeding from his body then on the Day of Resurrection, the cut looks like za’faran and smells like musk oil. “(Narrated by Abu Dawud and At Turmudzy).
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Through this letter, we expressed deep condolences over the martyrdom of seven Palestinian fighters of Al-Qasam:
- Ash Shaheed Al Mujahid Abdullah Thabit Thabit Al Rifi
- Ash Shaheed Al Mujahid Ghazwan Qisyawi Khamis Al Syubki
- Ash Shaheed Al Mujahid Izzudin Omar Abdullah Qasim
- Ash Shaheed Muhammad Sufyan Al Mujahid Wasim Hasouna
- Ash Shaheed Muhammad Al Mujahid Mahmoud Thalal Bashal
- Ash Shaheed Al Mujahid Nidhal Majdi Ramdhan Ouda
- Ash Shahid Alaa Al Mujahid Muhammad Ja’far Hasheem Hamadah
Who were preparing to dig a tunnel for the fight against the main enemy of Muslims, the Zionist of Israel.
- The great work they are doing is a glory that is commanded by Subhanahu Wata’ala, as it is told in the Qur’an.
” Make ready for them all thou canst of (armed) force and of horses tethered, that thereby ye may dismay the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others beside them whom ye know not. Allah knoweth them. Whatsoever ye spend in the way of Allah it will be repaid to you in full, and ye will not be wronged.. (Surah Al-Anfal: 60)
- The seventh martyrdom of mujahid are the evidence that Muslims will never stop fighting against injustice in the earth, moreover, you are the ones at the forefront in defending the Muslim waqf land and reclaim Al-Aqsa Mosque as The first Qibla for Muslims from the dirty hands of Jews.
- The martyrdom of seven fighters will surely be replaced by Allah with the better, and their martyrdom is a fertilizer for the faith of Muslims worldwide.
- May Allah receives the fight of mujaheed and placed them in Jannat Firdaus Al-A’la.
- To the families of the fighters who left behind, we say Adzamallahu ajrakum, may Allah give you strength, patience and sincerity, may Allah put you all in Jannah Firdaus.
- We are in Indonesia with the permission and the help of Allah will always be together with you and other Muslims to restore Al-Aqsa to Moslems.
We hope the relationships and communications between us will continue, may Allah the glory blesses us in the fight to return Al-Aqsa to Muslims.
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Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
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Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)