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Become A Lucky Servant with Time Management

sajadi - Tuesday, 27 December 2022 - 13:25 WIB

Tuesday, 27 December 2022 - 13:25 WIB


By: Imam Yakhsyallah Mansur

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala says:

وَٱلْعَصْرِ (١) إِنَّ ٱلْإِنسَٰنَ لَفِى خُسْرٍ (٢) إِلَّا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَعَمِلُوا۟ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا۟ بِٱلْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْا۟ بِٱلصَّبْرِ (٣) (العصر (١٠٣): ١ـــ٣)

“By the time (1) Indeed, man is truly in loss (2) Except for those who believe and do good and advise each other to truth and advise each other to patience (3).” (QS. Al-Ashr [103]: 1-3)

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The meaning contained in Surah Al-Asyr as explained in Jalalain’s interpretation, that the life of the world is a short time. Therefore, humans must make the best use of their time to do good and advise one another in truth and patience.

Turing the Jahiliyya period, before the advent of Islam, the Arabs often abused time. They say that his past was an unlucky time. With the social conditions of society like that, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala refutes their wrong assumptions.

If someone fails at his job, it’s not because of bad timing, but because of their own mistakes that are unprofessional at work/trade and can’t manage time properly.

After the revelation of the verse above, Rasulullah Muhammad Shallallahu alaihi Wasalam and his companions paid very serious attention to time. They make the best use of their time for commendable things in accordance with the teachings (shari’a) of Islam.

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Commenting on the above surah, Imam Syafi’i once said, “If Allah ‘Ajja Wajalla had not sent down surahs to His creatures, except for only Surah Al Asr, surely (the sura) would have fulfilled their needs.”

The word Al-‘ashr literally means to squeeze, or to press something so that its contents come out. Scholars agree on the meaning of the verse above in the context of “time”, namely the consequences of the past which affect the present, and the present which influences the future.

The verse above shows that there are two groups of people in this world and in the hereafter. The first group is the people who lose, regret, are disappointed, miserable, and lose. This is what is referred to as the left group (ashhabus syimal). The second group is the group of people who are lucky, happy, and become winners. This is what is referred to as the right group (ashhabus yamin).

Time will never stop. He also will not be repeated even for a second. He will continue to walk, spin and race at a speed of 24 hours per day, 60 minutes per hour and 60 seconds per minute.

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So, time must be used as well as possible, effectively and efficiently. Do not let humans become losers and wretched with the time he has lived. On the other hand, for those who believe, do good deeds and give advice to one another, they will be the lucky ones, in the life of this world and the hereafter.

Time Management Urgency

The stupid people are those who are given large capital, but the capital is wasted without getting results. Likewise, a human being who has been given capital in the form of time in life in the world, if he wastes time, does not do meaningful deeds, then he can be categorized as a fool.

So, every human breath is a journey to death. One heartbeat is a step towards the grave. What a loss and wretched man, if the times he lives, are not filled with good deeds, are wasted and will become regrets in the future.

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Life is not just measuring distances, but more than that, life is to carve traces. Leaving traces of virtue to be a valuable lesson and a meaningful legacy for their children and grandchildren.

Time management is a necessity for every believer. For those who are able to manage their time well, their targets will be fulfilled and their schedule of activities will be carried out.

Making priority scales the most important thing, especially in critical and urgent situations. For example, when there are two or several activities at the same time, or several needs that must be completed, then we must choose the most important and urgent as a priority.

Time management is very meaningful to get goodness and success in human life. Proper management can reduce the tendency to procrastinate, be lazy and prevent wasteful attitudes at work.

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Terms of Luck in the Context of Surah Al-Ashr

Imam At-Tabari in his commentary explains that lucky people have four characteristics, as mentioned in surah Al-Ashr:

First, people who believe in the existence of Allah ‘Ajja Wajalla, who unite Him and are sincere in worshiping Him.

Faith that is firmly planted in the heart, makes one believe that all events that occur, are all by the permission and destiny of Allah Almighty. He believes that Allah ‘Ajja Wajalla is always watching his every move and behavior. The consequence of that belief is, he will always be careful in living this life. ‎

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As for faith in Rasulullah Shallallahu alaihi Wasalam, it makes a person sure that he is an exemplary human figure who becomes a role model in monotheism, worship, muamalah and morality. He will always be ready to live a life full of tests, challenges and temptations, because there is direct guidance from the Messenger of Allah, the recipient of the revelation. ‎

Second, people who do good, do good deeds by carrying out their obligations and avoiding His prohibitions. Faith and good deeds are two things that cannot be separated. Like two sides of a coin, each is intertwined.

Faith will be meaningful when accompanied by good deeds. Faith without good deeds is just a lie. On the other hand, good deeds without faith are meaningless

To optimize good deeds, there are also discipline teachings. Discipline is usually associated with compliance with rules and time utilization. A person can be called disciplined when carrying out the tasks and work assigned to him on time and according to applicable regulations.

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Third, to bequeath each other in practicing the contents of the Qur’an. Humans have a tendency to do evil and immorality because of the lust they have. Therefore, it is necessary to advise each other to remain consistent and istiqomah in carrying out orders and staying away from His prohibitions.

Advising each other is one of the Prophet’s wills in the event of Hajj Farewell (farewell). By advising each other, human faith and piety will be maintained. That is what every Friday sermon, the khatib always makes a will for his congregation.

Fourth, be patient in doing good and giving advice. Patience must be the main capital for those who give advice, also for those who receive advice.

For those who provide advice, must realize that everyone has different levels of absorbing information. There are those who are able to quickly, but there are also those who need a process in understanding and practicing the advice.

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Like the story of Prophet Noah Alaihi Salam, who preached for 950 years to advise his people, even then he has not gained many followers.

Whereas for those who receive advice, advice means disgrace, their shortcomings and weaknesses can be corrected with that advice. When receiving advice, should be grateful, not blaming the giver of advice.

Umar bin Khatthab Radhiallahu anhu once said, “I will be grateful to anyone who reminds me of my faults and shortcomings.” (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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