Aceh Governor Zaini Abdullah handed over the donation for Gazan through MER-C (photo: MINA)
Aceh Governor Zaini Abdullah handed over the donation for Gazan through MER-C (photo: MINA)

Jakarta, 2 Dhulqa’idah 1435/28 August 2014 (MINA) – The Governor of Aceh Province, Zaini Abdullah, representing the government and Aceh people, donated IDR 6,37 billions (around US$545 thousands), including 12 grams of gold to help the Palestinians in Gaza through humanitarian agencies Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C).

“We purposely gave assistance through MER-C, because we know this agency is very concerned and actively doing social activities in Palestine,” said Zaini Abdullah in his speech at the “Handover of Government and Aceh Community Assistance to Gaza through MER-C, Jakarta Wednesday.

Governor Zaini said, if allowed to conduct jihad in Palestine, many Acehnese ready to go there. “Palestinian issue is an international problem that requires steps to resolve political and international diplomacy,” he said.

Zaini hope MER-C could deliver the aid to the Palestinian people, as well as fraternal greetings of the people of Aceh to the Palestinians, as brothers.

“This is proof of fraternal people of Aceh to Palestinians as Islamic brotherhood relationship with fellow brothers anywhere in the world,” said Zaini.

Meanwhile, Head of Public Relations Department of the Government of Aceh, who is also chairman of the committee, Murtalamuddin stated, the funds were donated by the people of Aceh, collected from 14 July to 18 August.

He also said the governor instructed the Secretary of the provincial government to make an appeal and notification letters to all people to take part in the Palestinian fundraising.

According to him, to help the Palestinians who are suffering in Gaza, Indonesians need to strengthen Indonesian hospital which is being built in Bayt Lahiya, Gaza Strip.

The local government cooperated with the media Serambi Indonesia, some non governmental organizations in Aceh, and MER-C.

MER-C is a humanitarian medical organization that initiated the development of Indonesia Hospital in Gaza based on the mandate from the people of Indonesia to help the Palestinians.

Zaini hope the government and the entire people of Indonesia will continue to campaign for support for Palestinian struggle in international forums to achieve Palestinian independence.

Presidium of MER-C, dr. Sarbini Abdul Murad, in his speech expected what the government and the people of Aceh did was the inspiration for governments and communities in other areas.

“Aceh is the only Local Government officially collected fundraising for Palestine, it could be followed by other regional governments,” said Sarbini.

MER-C will give the name of the hero from Aceh, namely Tengku Cik Di Tiro Muhammad Saman and Tjoet Nyak Dien, as the names of two rooms in the Indonesia Hospital.

Nowadays, 19 Indonesian volunteers are staying in Gaza Strip to oversee procurement of medical equipments for the hospital, that may soon be operated. (L/P010/P009/R05/R03/P3)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)