By: Imaam Yakhsyallah Mansur
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala says:
وَمَا هَٰذِهِ ٱلْحَيَوٰةُ ٱلدُّنْيَآ إِلَّا لَهْوٌ وَلَعِبٌ ۚ وَإِنَّ ٱلدَّارَ ٱلْءَاخِرَةَ لَهِىَ ٱلْحَيَوَانُ ۚ لَوْ كَانُوا۟ يَعْلَمُونَ (العنكبوت[٢٠]:٦٤)
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“And there is no life in this world but jesting and playing. And verily the Hereafter is the real life, if they only knew.” (QS. Al-Ankabut [20]: 64)
Al-Hafidz Imam Ibn Kathir in his commentary explains the verse above, that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala informs all humans that the life of this world is only for a moment, is transitory and will surely vanish and vanish.
If someone wins or loses in the life of the world, know that victory and defeat are temporary. Today they won, maybe next time they will lose. And vice versa, if today you lose, maybe the next time you will win.
In the verse above, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala emphasizes that true victory and success for humans is in the hereafter. The people who are successful and victorious are those who have survived the torment of hell and have received its mercy and forgiveness, namely heaven that is eternal, forever and ever.
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It is victory and success in the afterlife that must be seriously prepared. If one is dead, there is no more chance to improve one’s self. So, while life is still in the body, that means, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala still gives a chance. For that, continue to prepare and improve yourself to achieve true success and victory.
Success Qatar and the 2022 World Cup
The grand event of the 2022 World Cup has been completed. Qatar as the host of the event was praised by world leaders and all visitors who saw their favorite team compete.
Qatar’s success as a host was not only seen from the many and magnificent facilities provided, but as a Muslim country, Qatar managed to maintain the principles of its country, while introducing Islamic values to the world.
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Not a few observers thought that Qatar would bend its knees to the regulations of the World Football Association, FIFA, which required various things in football events, including those regarding LGBT, liquor (alcohol) and free sex. In fact, it was Qatar who succeeded in “dictating” FIFA to comply with the country’s rules and culture.
In the view of the author, Qatar has succeeded in introducing Islamic values that are rahmatan lil alamin to the world’s football fans. Qatar has also succeeded in maintaining universal values and Islamic values in that country so that it is not contaminated with foreign cultures that are contrary to Islamic law.
Regarding the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) campaign, FIFA allows the use of the Rainbow badge and the “OneLove” captain’s armband which is a symbol of the existence of LGBT on and off the field during the match. But in Qatar, this is not the case. They are prohibited from carrying flags and displaying other attributes, both on and off the field. Violation of this will be subject to strict sanctions.
Qatar also requires that every couple staying at the hotel must bring an official letter as proof of marriage. This “forced” the national team players from European and Latin American countries to get married before flying to Qatar.
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Likewise with the rules for consuming alcohol, Qatar strictly prohibits the consumption of alcohol for players and spectators in stadiums and in public places. For those who really can’t leave it, they have to be in a private place.
As for the dress code, Qatar has succeeded in making football fans who are present in their country comply with the regulations, not being allowed to wear naked clothes in stadiums and other public places. In this case, Qatar did it with a persuasive humanist approach, not repressive.
Qatar’s success in the event this time was also expressed by a female superter from England who came directly to Qatar, Ellie Molloson. Initially, Malloson had an oblique view of the discriminatory treatment of women in Qatar. However, while in the country, Malloson felt comfortable and safe when he was in the stadium, as well as in other public places.
“I think this is because the people here are more conservative. In addition, alcohol restrictions also have an effect. No more teasing, whistling, which ends in sexual harassment. It’s very different here, but much more comfortable. Not only for women, but also for families. The atmosphere is much different than in England,” Molloson told the media crew.
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Flattery for Qatar was also expressed by a member of the FIFA Technical Committee, Sunday Oliseh. Oliseh praised Qatar not only for the grandeur and completeness of the stadium with the various facilities provided, but also for the friendliness of the people with Islamic characteristics which were very impressive.
What Oliseh feels the most is how the people of Qatar are so enthusiastic and friendly in welcoming and honoring guests. People say, honoring guests is part of Islamic teachings. They do it all as part of carrying out their religious orders, not just a job requirement or pressure from the government.
In order to welcome tourists, the committee in collaboration with the Ministry of Waqf and Islamic Affairs of Qatar has prepared a special pavilion to introduce Islam to them.
The pavilion contains booths with various programs on all things related to Islam and its teachings that are humane, just and uphold human rights.
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The pavilion has an electronic board with knowledge about Islam in English. Also available are booklets on Islam and the Quran in 30 languages. The place is also equipped with male and female speakers who are fluent in various languages.
Not only that, the mosques in the country hold an “open house” program, inviting anyone to come to the mosque and directly witness the activities and worship of Muslims. The Katara Cultural Village Mosque in Doha became one of the places for the country to promote Islamic teachings.
For the supporters who come directly to Qatar, along the road to the stadium and in strategic locations, they will find rows of paintings and strands of advice taken from the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu alaihi Wasalam.
Islam Sees the Game
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In a hadith, Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasalam said, which means, “A strong believer is better and more loved by Allah Azza wa Jalla than a weak believer; and in both there is goodness. Be diligent to get what is beneficial for you and ask Allah for help (in all your affairs),…” (HR Muslim).
In another hadith, it is mentioned that the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, likes to exercise. He also organized the children of his friends to be taught archery, horse riding and swimming. On several occasions, he competed in running with his wife, Aisyah Radhiyallahu anha.
As-Sayyid Ali Al-Maliki in his book “Bulughul Umniyah” explained that in the view of Islamic Shari’a, the law of the game in general, especially football is mubah (permissible) with two conditions. First, the game is free of gambling elements. Second, the game is intended as an exercise in physical endurance and body endurance so as to be able to carry out the order of the Creator, to worship well and perfectly.
Psychologists explain the benefits of exercise for humans including: it can reduce stress, make the body healthier and more energetic, improve brain performance, stay away from various diseases, and a series of other benefits.
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In the event of a soccer match witnessed by millions of viewers, it can be used as a preaching event, promoting human values. The spirit of football that upholds the values of honesty and sportsmanship is very relevant to human values. Performance is important, but human values are above everything, including in the world of football.
Palestinian victory
Through the World Cup event, Qatar has shown its alignment with the struggle of the Palestinian people. This has been demonstrated by the country on various occasions. In closing the prestigious tournament, the Palestinian flag was displayed prominently on the pitch, stands and around the celebratory assembly.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas appreciated and thanked Qatar and its emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani for the great success of hosting the event which brought pride to Arab countries.
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Abbas also thanked Qatar for its services in raising the issue of the Palestinian struggle during the event. This further adds to the enthusiasm of the Palestinian people to continue to fight for the independence and sovereignty of their country.
Not only Qatar, supporters of other countries also show their side with Palestine. The Palestinian flag fluttered among the Moroccan, Argentinian, Brazilian and other supporters. This shows that the attention and support of the international community for Palestine is very strong.
Not only supporters from Arab countries, the supporters of England, France and Belgium refused to be interviewed by journalists from the Israeli media. Instead, they voiced their support for Palestine when it was highlighted by Israeli media cameras.
This shows that even though several Arab governments have normalized diplomatic relations with Israel, the hearts of their people still side with and support Palestine and hate Zionist Israel.
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So, in the 2022 Qatar World Cup, Palestine is one of the winners. This is evident from the support from various$ countries for the country of three religions. Meanwhile, the defeats were suffered by LGBT bearers, alcohol addicts and fans of free sex.
God bless you
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)