Over 30 UK MPs, Peers Petition for Recognition of Morocco’s Autonomy Plan

Old Polisario Wall, Morocco, Western Sahara. (Photo credit: Stefan Grossmann/Panoramio)

Rabat, MINA –  More than 30 MPs and Peers have penned a letter to Lord Cameron, the UK’s Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, urging for the timely recognition of Morocco’s Autonomy Plan as the most viable solution to the Western Sahara conflict.

Shared by Member of the House of Lords, Hugo Swire, on X, formerly Twitter, the letter stresses the critical importance of strengthening alliances with stable nations like Morocco to promote regional stability and international security.

“Morocco stands paramount among these partner nations, it is a top strategic ally in North Africa, with shared values and perspectives crucial to both our countries,” it emphasizes.

Highlighting the escalating conflicts in the Middle East and the growing instability in the Sahel region, the letter stresses the urgency of resolving the Western Sahara issue “quickly and pragmatically.”

It warns against further separatism or division, advocating instead for reinforcing Morocco’s proactive engagement in fostering regional security and stability.

“The dangerous escalations and catastrophic effects of conflict in the Middle East have intensified the spread of terrorism and extremism, providing an opportunity for hostile militias to broaden their ideological reach and influence beyond their own borders,” the letter reads.

Western Sahara: ‘a hub of innovation and international cooperation in Africa’

In addition, the letter underlined the economic and geopolitical potential of the Western Sahara region, pointing to developments such as the port in Dakhla as evidence of sustainable progress and international cooperation.

Describing the region as a “hub for innovation and international cooperation in Africa,” the letter says it has the potential to “significantly enhance energy opportunities, secure supply chains, and enable access to new markets.”

However, the letter suggested that to fully realize the economic potential of the region, it requires backing from UK financial institutions such as UKEF and BII. It highlighted similar support from other countries, including the US and France, in recent times.

The signatories argued that supporting Morocco’s Autonomy Plan aligns with UK principles and international commitments while contributing to peace in the region.

“The Autonomy Initiative proposed by Morocco for Western Sahara, balanced with respect for local traditions and democratic aspirations, offers a viable path toward lasting peace and stability,” the letter asserts.

Citing support from Western allies and over 80 countries worldwide, the MPs and Peers emphasized the autonomy plan as the most practical and pragmatic path to stability, urging the UK to follow the example set by its main allies.

“The upcoming UK-Morocco strategic dialogue presents a singular occasion for the United Kingdom to redefine its role and influence in the region,” the letter concludes. “Morocco deserves our unequivocal and complete support; it is our responsibility, and the security of the region urgently demands it.”

The letter comes as the latest in a series of calls from UK MPs urging the government to recognize the Moroccan initiative. In recent months, there has been mounting pressure on the UK to support Morocco’s proposed solution to the longstanding dispute.

Earlier this month, British MP Daniel Kawczynski renewed his appeal for the UK government to support Morocco’s position as he emphasized Morocco’s status as a reliable ally and the growing international support for its stance on Western Sahara.

Other MPs, such as Liam Fox, have also called for recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty, citing the need to strengthen ties between the two countries. (R1/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)