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Admin - Wednesday, 25 March 2015 - 22:07 WIB

Wednesday, 25 March 2015 - 22:07 WIB

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Netanyahu-300x136.jpg" alt="Obama vs Netanyahu" width="803" height="364" /> IN “THE BARACK OBAMA VERSUS BENJAMIN NETANYAHU CONFLICT,” THE WINNERS ARE THE ZIONISTS AS ALWAYS

by Syarif Hidayat*

The American democrats, Peace and Independence-loving American people –supported President Barack Obama versus Hard-line Neoconservatives, Zionists and Likud Americans Faction-backed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ‘conflict’ on how to handle the Iran nuclear issue has ended with the Zionists came out as the winners, as always.

The US administration of President Barack Obama was directly involved in an attempt to remove Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from office, according to a new report. “It’s no secret” that the White House had attempted to influence the outcome of last week’s Israeli elections, an Israeli official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told The Times of Israel, Tuesday, March 24, 2015.

The report said the US move was partially motivated by a desire for revenge over Netanyahu’s provocative speech before Congress earlier this month, which attempted to undermine nuclear talks with Iran, an important element of US foreign policy.

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But the Zionists are always very fast in their actions: Hard-line, neoconservative Zionists have overtaken the US government and are continuing to push for a war against Iran on behalf of Israel, an American scholar and journalist says. “This treasonous, neoconservative, Likud faction in the American government, which is financed by big money, hard-line, extremist Zionists, such as Sheldon Adelson… have essentially taken over the US government on behalf of the Likudnik faction in Israel, said Kevin Barrett, who is the founding member of Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance.


President Obama angry with Bibi Netanyahu for accepting Congress invitation

Obama tried to get rid of Netanyahu

The US administration of President Barack Obama was directly involved in an attempt to remove Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from office, according to a new report. “It’s no secret” that the White House had attempted to influence the outcome of last week’s Israeli elections, an Israeli official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told The Times of Israel, Tuesday, March 24, 2015.

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The report said the US move was partially motivated by a desire for revenge over Netanyahu’s provocative speech before Congress earlier this month, which attempted to undermine nuclear talks with Iran, an important element of US foreign policy.

“The White House is driven by three main motives,” the report said. “The first is revenge [over the Congress speech]. The second is frustration: It’s no secret that they were involved in an attempt to bring down the Netanyahu government – something that we have clear knowledge of – and failed. The third [motive] is the administration’s attempt to divert attention from the negotiations with Iran to the Palestinian issue.”

In a similar report published on Sunday, March 22, 2015, Republican Party strategist John McLaughlin claimed that Obama attempted to get Netanyahu defeated in the latest Israeli elections. “There was money moving that included taxpayer US dollars, through non-profit organizations. And there were various liberal groups in the United States that were raising millions to fund a campaign called V15 against Prime Minister Netanyahu,” said McLaughlin, a pollster for Netanyahu’s Likud party.

Netanyahu clinched a divisive victory in Tuesday’s Israeli election. He made opposition to nuclear negotiations with Iran a centerpiece of his reelection campaign. He also rejected the idea of a Palestinian state, which has been a pillar of US foreign policy. In an interview with The Huffington Post conducted released on Saturday, Obama warned Netanyahu over his opposition to a Palestinian state and for making derogatory comments about Arabs living in the occupied territories.

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Obama’s remarks were an unusually forceful and public condemnation of its top ally. His comments were the latest evidence that the toxic relationship between the White House and the Zionist regime has reached a new low. On Monday, March 23, 2015, White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough called on Israel to end its “50-year occupation” of the West Bank and East al-Quds (Jerusalem), criticizing Tel Aviv over its continued settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Democrats rally behind Obama

US Democratic lawmakers have rallied around President Barack Obama amid efforts by the Israeli prime minister to frustrate the nuclear talks with Iran, according to a report. In his State of the Union Address, Obama reiterated that new sanctions would torpedo the ongoing talks between Iran, the US and the rest of the P5+1 group, which includes Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany.

“I think there is plenty of indication that … at least some members of Congress have found this rather plausible line of argument pretty persuasive,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters.
Earnest refused to speculate whether the Obama administration had enough votes to sustain a veto on sanctions legislation if the nuclear talks fail. “Fortunately for the White House, I’m not responsible for counting votes.”

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However, lobbyists in touch with Democratic congressmen said Boehner’s invitation to the Israeli prime minister is already making it harder for Republicans to muster a majority to override a presidential veto, according to The Guardian. Meanwhile, J-Street, a US-based lobby group, has sent out a letter to its supporters, urging them to warn their congressmen not to support Netanyahu’s initiative, the newspaper said.

“This invitation looks like a thinly veiled attempt to scuttle the critical negotiations taking place right now aimed at ensuring that Iran never acquires a nuclear weapon,” said the letter. “Bibi and Obama disagree on how to deal with Iran, and that’s fair. But a foreign leader lobbying Congress is inappropriate.”

Menendez-Kirk sanctions legislation

Sen. Robert Menendez, Democrat of New Jersey, and Sen. Mark Kirk, Republican of Illinois, have drafted a toned-down bill that would trigger new sanctions on Iran if nuclear talks fail. The two have introduced previous sanctions bills against Iran. As opposed to last year’s version, the new legislation omits the requirements that could have imposed sanctions on Tehran amid talks, and would only trigger sanctions if a comprehensive agreement is not reached on Iran’s nuclear energy program by a July 1 deadline.

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Absent of a nuclear deal, the new bill would trigger more sanctions on Tehran and would ratchet up sanctions every month that goes by without an agreement.

An odd pair teams up on Iran sanctions

Meanwhile, another pair has teamed up to introduce a “moderate proposal” on Iran sanctions in the US Senate. Sen. Barbara Boxer, Democrat of California and Sen. Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky and a potential 2016 presidential contender, are proposing the bill as an alternative to the Menendez-Kirk legislation. Sen. Boxer said that their sanctions proposal seeks to allow quick votes by Congress to reinstate some existing sanctions if Tehran violates any nuclear agreement. “Sen. Paul and I are putting the final touches on this bill. We think it’s a moderate proposal,” Boxer said during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing.


The new Republican-controlled Congress wants to poison the nuclear talks with Iran, Jim W. Dean says.

Congress playing role of ugly Americans

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The American people should let members of Congress know that they are sick and tired of them playing the spoiler role in nuclear talks with Iran, a political commentator says. Jim W. Dean, the managing director of Veterans Today, made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV while commenting on Republican lawmakers’ threats to have more sanctions imposed against Iran if the ongoing nuclear talks with Tehran fail.

“The new Republican-controlled Congress seems intent on playing the role of the ugly American now by continuing its attempt to poison the nuclear talks with Iran,” Dean said. “Tehran has said over and over that it would not respond to threats in the negotiations.” “So the goal of the new round of sanctions seems to aggravate the domestic, political situation there in these delicate times where all sides especially Iran has to be able to have the domestic support for whatever final resolution that they are able to work out,” he added.

Bob Corker, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said on Thursday that the Senate will start debate within weeks on whether to impose new sanctions against Iran, despite warnings from the Obama administration that they risked derailing nuclear talks. Dean said that Israel is deeply involved in this because it is just desperate to have some kind of more sanctions “to have Iran back off from the negotiations due to the pressure.”

“But the good part of this is that it [the US] seems to have has given up on the initial craziness of wanting to have passed more sanctions with the idea that if we put more sanctions on Iran we have a better chance of getting an agreement which is just crazy,” the veteran journalist stated. “But there are two problems here. By playing the ugly American role, Congress is clearly wanting to divert attention from two major things here:

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“No. 1, all of the bogus claims of Iran’s nuclear weapons program were exposed as such as neither the US and Israeli or any of the other intelligence agencies were ever [able] to put any proof on the table after all of these endless claims of trying to stop their weapons program.
“Then [No.] 2, Congress also wants to divert attention from all the concessions that Iran not only has made during the talks but has lived up to by the letter, which the IAEA has reaffirmed over and over.”

The illegal sanctions on Iran have been imposed based on the unfounded accusation that Tehran is pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program. Iran rejects the allegation, arguing that as a committed signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

In addition, the IAEA has conducted numerous inspections of Iran’s nuclear facilities but has never found any evidence showing that Iran’s civilian nuclear program has been diverted to nuclear weapons production.
“So if Congress were to do this, I don’t think they would be getting the support of the P5+1. It is almost like they are in the isolation. I mean America has been talking about trying to isolate Russians, China – it is part of this new Cold War thing – [but] it’s continuing to isolate itself because it’s saying if everybody else wants an agreement the US doesn’t; they’ll just go their own way, they’ll do their own sanctions,” Dean stated.

“So I think this is the problem of Congress running the control [of] the foreign policy… So the American people have to get on the phone if they want to support the talks… and let Congress know that they are sick and tired of them playing the spoiler role when the world needs get this issue behind, because we all will be safer with a good resolution,” he advised.

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Iran and the six powers wrapped up their latest round of nuclear talks in Geneva on December 17, 2014, three weeks after they failed to reach a final agreement by a November 24 deadline despite making some progress.
The two sides agreed to extend their discussions for seven more months until July 1, 2015. The scale of Iran’s uranium enrichment and the timetable for the lifting of anti-Iran sanctions are seen as major sticking points in the talks.

Extremist Zionists have overtaken US government

obama-guide-dogHard-line, neoconservative Zionists have overtaken the US government and are pushing for a war against Iran on behalf of Israel, an American scholar and journalist says. “This treasonous, neoconservative, Likud faction in the American government, which is financed by big money, hard-line, extremist Zionists, such as Sheldon Adelson… have essentially taken over the US government on behalf of the Likudnik faction in Israel, said Kevin Barrett, who is the founding member of Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance.

“They are desperately trying to derail a [nuclear] agreement with Iran,” Barrett told Press TV. “They want to keep war going in the Middle East in order to allow endless Israeli expansion, to allow endless Israeli crimes against the Palestinians,” he added. A bipartisan group of US lawmakers have signed a letter telling President Barack Obama that any nuclear accord must constrain Iran’s nuclear program for “decades” before Congress will roll back sanctions.

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The letter, which was signed by 367 members of the House of Representatives and released on Monday by the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said, “A final comprehensive nuclear agreement must constrain Iran’s nuclear infrastructure so that Iran has no pathway to a bomb, and that agreement must be long-lasting.” In any agreement, “Congress must be convinced that its terms foreclose any pathway to a bomb, and only then will Congress be able to consider permanent sanctions relief,” according to the letter.

This letter is an “attempt by the Israelis to start a war against Iran,” Barrett said. “Every one of these Congress people, who’ve signed this letter, are traitors to the United States of America.” “Because Zionists give about half of the campaign money that flows into the coffers of American politicians as thinly disguised bribes, they have a chokehold, a stranglehold over our Congress,” Barrett stated.

?????????????????????????????It is Time for Obama to ‘declare Israel nuclear state’

Following reports of Israel’s espionage against US-Iran nuclear talks, it is time for the Obama administration to “declare Israel a nuclear state”, says Jim W. Dean, a columnist and political commentator based in Atlanta.
Current and former American officials told the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, March 24, 2015, the spying operation was part of a campaign by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to “penetrate the negotiations and then help build a case against the emerging terms of the deal.”

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Dean told Press TV in a phone interview that “this comes as no surprise,” as Tel Aviv has been engaged in spy activities in the United States in other different areas including “industrial espionage to steal trade secrets”. “Israel is a kind of parasite on the West. They have the right to just steal and take anything possible.”

Bibi’s move felony

Dean voiced surprise that White House officials did not reveal Israel’s spy activities against the talks earlier this month when Bibi gave an anti-Iran speech at the US Congress. “That puts Congress negotiating with foreign agents to undermine the US foreign policy,” Dean said, adding, since Bibi was not on an official visit, “Technically, he is a private citizen talking to US Congressmen to subvert the US foreign policy through undermining the US president. That’s actually a felony.”

The American commentator warned about the “incestuous marriage” of Israel and the Congress, which serves Tel Aviv’s interests “first” whenever there is conflict between the regime and Washington. The new espionage reports mean that “Israel is attacking the national security of the US quite openly,” the analyst said, adding, “I would challenge Obama to declare Israel a nuclear state”.

Israel denies reports

Following the espionage leak, the Israeli minister of military affairs, Moshe Yaalon, denied it, saying, “There is no such thing as Israel spying on the Americans”. Other Israeli officials, namely Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, responded to the reports likewise.

The talks between the US and Iran are part of broader negotiations between the Islamic Republic and the P5+1 group — Russia, China, Britain, France and the US plus Germany — to reach a comprehensive agreement on Tehran’s nuclear program as a deadline slated for July 1 draws closer.
On Friday, the latest round of nuclear negotiations ended in the Swiss lakeside city of Lausanne after six days of intensive talks with both parties citing progress.

Netanyahu in US because he wants no ‘deterrent’ in ME

Mad_dog_Netanyahu_Hamas_is_committing_a_double_war_crime__179695Benjamin Netanyahu makes attempts to prevent a nuclear deal between Iran and the West as the regime seeks to continue committing crimes in the region freely, says renowned US philosopher Noam Chomsky. He made the remarks at an interview with AlterNet released on Monday, March 2, 2015, a day before a Netanyahu speech at the US Congress against a possible agreement with Iran.

Despite a boycott by President Barack Obama and other White House officials, the Israeli premier is addressing the Congress, “Because he doesn’t want to have a deterrent in the region. That’s simple enough. If you’re an aggressive, violent state, you want to be able to use force freely. You don’t want anything that might impede it,” Chomsky said. He noted that there exists a “common interest” between Tel Aviv and the US hawks “in ensuring there is no regional force that can serve as any kind of deterrent to Israeli and US violence”, which he called “the major violence” in the Middle East.

“For both Prime Minister Netanyahu and the hawks in Congress, mostly Republican, the primary goal is to undermine any potential negotiation that might settle whatever issue there is with Iran,” said the distinguished linguist. He furthered denounced the “regular violence and aggression” carried out by Washington and Tel Aviv in the region.

Representatives from Iran and the United States held a new round of talks on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program in the Swiss city of Montreux on Tuesday, March 3, 2015. Tehran and the P5+1 countries – Britain, France, China, Russia, and the United States plus Germany – have been engaged in negotiations in a bid to reach high-profile political deal on the issue by the end of March.

White House says ties with Israel ‘deep and abiding’

At the end of the day, may be because afraid of the Zionists wrath, the White House chief of staff stresses that relations with Israel remain “deep and abiding” amid reports of a widening rift between the Obama administration and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“Our relationship with Israel is many faceted, deep and abiding. It’s focused on a shared series of threats, but also, on a shared series of values that one particular instance is not going to inform overwhelming,” Denis McDonough said during an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

A senior US official said that Netanyahu “spat in our face” by accepting the invitation behind Obama’s back. “There are things you simply don’t do. He spat in our face publicly and that’s no way to behave,” the unnamed US official told Israel’s Haaretz last week. The comment “does not reflect the views of this president or this White House,” McDonough said in another interview on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” (T/P3/R01)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

Syarif Hidayat*Senior Editor of Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) (He can be contacted via emails: [email protected] and [email protected])


1.Protocol of the Elders of Zion

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