(Photo: On Islam)
(Photo: On Islam)

Riyadh, 21 Shaban 1436/8 June 2015 (MINA) – A group of Indian Muslim expatriates in Saudi have organized a blood donation campaign for umrah pilgrims this year, setting an example for Muslims, Arab New reported on Sunday, June 7.

“We could have collected more blood but the hospital authorities limited us to 220 units,” said Mujeebur Rahman, the coordinator for the Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamath (TNTJ).

Another campaign would be held next week, he said, On Islam quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

Organized by TNTJ, the campaign attracted 238 people mainly from Tamil Nadu who donated 220 blood units at King Fahd Medical City (KFMC).

Praising the campaign, Irshad Ahmed, Riyadh TNTJ President, revealed that the organization usually holds voluntary blood donation campaigns for Umrah and hajj pilgrims.

“This time the blood will be used for Umrah pilgrims,” he said.

He added that their activities were motivated by Islamic teachings on preserving the lives of their fellows.

These good deeds help to create harmony in society; and clear up misconceptions of Muslims held in the West.

Expressing his appreciation for the initiative, the head of the KFMC laboratory team, Saud Al-Anazi, thanked the organizers for their “noble work.”

He mentioned that the TNTJ is the only organization providing the hospital with large amounts of blood.

Mujeebur Rahman said the TNTJ had conducted 33 campaigns over the past 10 years, which qualified the organization to more than 15 awards.

The organization has also received several awards from the Ministry of Health and the Tamil Nadu government, he added.

Fatwas by the Saudi-Arabia based Islamic Fiqh Academy has revealed that blood donation is in line with the tenets of Islam.

The Fiqh Academy is not alone endorsing blood donation.

Several high-profile Islamic bodies have unanimously agreed it is permissible for a Muslim to donate blood if it would not harm the donor’s health or quality of life, while stating it is impermissible to tamper with human body.

They also sanctioned donating blood to blood banks as a charitable act to save the lives of human beings, even if non-Muslims. (T/P011/R03)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)