KPU Holds Open Plenary Meeting on Vote Counting Results Starting Wednesday

Central Jakarta Central KPU Building (Doc; KPU Web)

Jakarta, MINA – The Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) will hold an Open Plenary Meeting on National Level Vote Counting Results and Determination of the 2024 Simultaneous Election Results starting this Wednesday. The plenary meeting was held at the KPU Office, Jalan Imam Bonjol, Central Jakarta.

The plenary meeting will start from overseas elections. “As of today, PPLN (Overseas Election Committees) throughout the world, of the 128 PPLN that have attended, 36 PPLN are ready to take part in the open plenary meeting to recapitulate the vote count results,” said KPU Chairman Hasyim Asy’ari on Tuesday.

This national recapitulation will start from the results of counting the votes cast by overseas voters, which is almost completely complete.

It should be noted that of the 128 PPLNs, there is only one PPLN in Kuala Lumpur that has not been completed because a revote (PSU) must be carried out.

“The plenary meeting will be held on Wednesday 28 February 2024 starting at 09.00 WIB. “Starting from the recapitulation of overseas voting results,” said Hasyim.

This plenary meeting will also be attended by witnesses from Presidential Election participants, political parties, as well as individual witnesses from DPD members. The Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) and a number of stakeholders related to elections will also be present.

“This is an open plenary meeting, so anyone can access it, but of course there are limitations to entering the room,” he said.

Previously, KPU Chairman Hasyim Asy’ari said that the 2024 election vote count results would be determined no later than March 20 2024. This is stated in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections.

“According to the Election Law, the national election results are scheduled to be determined no later than 35 days after voting day, which is scheduled for March 20 2024,” said Hasyim, quoted on Tuesday.

The Constitutional Court (MK) and the KPU have met and held hearings regarding the possibility of a request to dispute the results of the 2024 Election. This meeting also discussed scenarios related to the timeline for requests for disputes over the results of the 2024 Election.

“However, even though the recapitulation process is still ongoing, of course the MK must also prepare plans regarding when the election results will be announced by the KPU,” said MK spokesperson Fajar Laksono, Monday.

The MK, said Fajar, is focusing on accepting requests to dispute election results after the KPU determines the winner of the 2024 election. According to him, after determining the election results, the MK will also be ready to accept requests for lawsuits.

“Because that was the announcement from the KPU, that was the starting line for the Constitutional Court to accept the application,” he explained. He ensured that all stages in the application for the 2024 election dispute results would be accessible to the public. He also asked the public to continue to monitor it. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)