Jakarta, MINA – Indonesian National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) noted, as many as nine people were declared dead due to floodwaters and landslides which hit a number of areas in the Greater Jakarta on Wednesday.
“Flooding at the beginning of the new year on January 1, 2020, which struck the Jakarta area and its surroundings caused casualties, damage, and loss of property,” said Head of the BNPB Data, Information, and Communication Center (Kapusdatinkom) Agus Wibowo in his statement in Jakarta.
BNPB said Agus managed to compile a list of names of deaths, including:
1. M Ali (82), Cipinang Melayu Village, East Jakarta (Victims experiencing hypothermia).
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2. Siti Hawa (72). Cipinang Melayu Kelurahan, East Jakarta (Victims experiencing hypothermia).
3. Willi Surahman, Cipinang Melayu Village, East Jakarta (Victims experiencing hypothermia).
4. Rumsinah (68), Jalan Al Barokah RT 07, RW 01, Pangkalan Jati Baru Village, Cinere District, Depok City (Victims buried by landslides).
5. N (8), Jalan Al Barokah RT 07, RW 01, Pangkalan Jati Baru Village, Cinere District, Depok City (Victims buried by landslides).
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6. Amelia (27), Jalan Al Barokah RT 07, RW 01, Kelurahan Pangkalan Jati Baru, Cinere District, Depok City (Victims buried by landslides).
7. Marsdianto (20), Puri Citayam Permai 2 Housing, Rawa Panjang Village, Bojonggede District, Bogor Regency (Victims have swept away when the flow of the river which was right in front of his house broke the embankment).
8. Arfiqo Alif (16) a resident of Kemayoran, Central Jakarta (Electric shock victim).
9. Kusmiyati (30 years old), (a victim of a landslide, Tanah Sereal, Bogor City).
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BNPB urges people who live in areas that have a potential flood to evacuate themselves to safe places.
“The important thing is to save lives first,” said Head of BNPB Doni Monardo.
Previously, BMKG had been warned about heavy rains throughout the Greater Jakarta area and the possibility of flooding.
BMKG also predicted that heavy rains would still occur from morning to night in the Greater Jakarta area. (T/RE1/P2)
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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)