Arabia to Ease Lockdown on Thursday

Riyadh, MINA – The government of Saudi Arabia to ease the implementation of lockdown starting on Thursday, May 28.

Saudi Arabian Health Minister Tawfiq Al-Rabiah said the easing would be done phases depending on the development of the spread of coronavirus or Covid-19.

“The first phase will start with expanding the capacity of care for critical patients and the second phase begins with intensifying Covid-19 tests and early detection,” Al-Rabiah said as quoted from Arab News on Tuesday.

He said the Saudi community had so far shown its responsibility in practicing social restrictions.

After five months since the pandemic first appeared, the global health system has been tested with extraordinary challenges facing coronavirus.

However, It makes the public more aware of the threat of the virus and is seriously implementing social distancing measures.

“This is a new experience for all of us,” Al-Rabiah said.

Saudi Ministry of Health confirmed until Monday, the total number of positive cases infected by coronavirus reached 74,795 people, 399 died, 45,668 healed. (T / RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)