Source: Islamtimes.org

Gaza City, 2 Rajab 1435/ 1 May 2014 (MINA) – Dr. Mousa Abu Marzooq, member of Hamas Political Bureau, stated that the Egyptian authorities will open the Rafah border crossing, directly right after the formation of the National Unity Government.

The Egyptian authorities will open the Rafah border crossing as soon as the Unity Government forms security committees to run the crossing, Abu Marzook confirmed, Alresalh quoted by Mi’raj Islmic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

The crossing will be international, and work there will continue 24 hours a day, he added. “The PA must end the 2005 agreement,” the Hamas official stressed.

A joint agreement was signed between the PA, the European Union and Israel in 2005 to identify the mechanism of work at the Rafah crossing. The agreement states that the Israeli occupation can monitor the crossing through cameras and the Europeans. The Europeans left when Hamas controlled the Gaza Strip.

Abu Marzook said that Hamas will participate in the upcoming legislative elections. “As for the presidential election, the decision has not been made yet,” said Abu Marzook, stressing that the next Palestinian government will not have a political program.

Abu Marzouk pointed out that there is a political will at all the Palestinian levels to make the Palestinian reconciliation happen.

He stated that the security file is the most complicated file for both sides, Hamas and Fatah, especially the issue of coordination with the Israeli occupation in the occupied West Bank.

“The coming government is not the government of Mahmoud Abbas; it is, rather, a national government,” said Abu Marzook. “This is what we have agreed on with the Fatah movement.”

As for negotiations with Israel, Abu Marzook emphasized that peace talks failed.(T/P02/P04)


Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)



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