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Wisdom of The Prophet Words on God’s Creation; Marking The First Muharram 1442 Hijriah

Rana Setiawan - Thursday, 20 August 2020 - 16:52 WIB

Thursday, 20 August 2020 - 16:52 WIB

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By: Moehammad Amar Ma’ruf, Charge d’Affaires a.i. of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Tripoli-Libya

There is a Prophet Shallallaahu Alaihi Wa Salam words that have deep meaning in all aspects of life. He always says « Oh God the Almighty there is nothing You creates are in vain ». This word or pray always be said when the Prophet enter new areas. And the teller of the word (Rawi Hadist), says when the Prophet says these words, the Prophet always looks at the Sky.

Time continues after the Prophet passed away. The human civilization changes evolutionary and  revolutionary. What is behind the above of words of the Prophet. What is the wisdom of the word of Prophet toward human life and their civilization. What the most important things must be understood or even be adored as belief. The message or the wisdom still alive enlightening universe.

We are  born as a moslem and our state philosophy is believed in One Supreme God (monotheism teaching). Prima cause as the principe of One powerful thing who creates and manages of this universe. And moslem are obliged to see the Prophet as the messenger of the God Almighty. There must be wisdom on it.

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One  thing that may not be forgotten is how human civilizations determine time and day. Today we are in 2020 and in the 20th August of 2020, we will be entering a new Islamic Year or Hijrah, namely 1st Muharram 1442 Hijriah. Those time determination are  coming from the calculation of human being to the circulation of Sun or Moon that actually classify as spatial objects. Those objects are positioned in the Sky (spatial area).

Those spatial objects  become  subject of human studies and become basic observation and studies on   how they determine time as starting point of doing their daily life. From knowing this starting point they learn to prepare the need to anticipate and live in the changing of the time from night to noon and noon to night in every 24 hours. From the changing of time human learns how the universe naturally adapt their life.

Those living things on earth will automatically  prepare to use night time and noon for their natural life. Nothing can avoid the fact that time always run and living things will find their end to meet and be responsible before the God Almighty, the Creator of Universe.

From this fact, the human life also be taught to use their time as good as possible. Good not only for themselves or their groups but also  for also  their environment. Some wise man says that we are the time itself. If we are failed to make the time valuable it means we ruin ourselves.

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This wise words invite us to behave and act nicely and  good to environment. Nothing can change except ourselves . Like the Qur’an Ar Ra’d: 11 with its translation verse says: Allah azza wa jalla did not give a nation a kindness if that nation do not want to get and achieve it. And consequently  Allah azza wa jalla  say that nation will be changed by better nation.

From this short essay let us, Moehammad Amar Ma’ruf and Family, SAY to All my Indonesian  Libyan moslem and moslemah, MARHABAN 1ST MUHARRAM 1442 HIJRIAH. May the years to come bring happy and healthy life for all. Aaamiin Ya Robbal Aaalamiin.

Barakallahfikum. Tripoli, 19 August 2020.


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