Takfiri Terrorists
. (Photo: Press TV) " width="400" height="224" /> The American trained and supplied Al Qaeda/Takfiri Terrorists. (Photo: Press TV)Washington, 23 Sya’ban 1435/21 June 2014 (MINA) – A political analyst says the trio of the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia is “waging a corporate war” on the entire Middle East by supporting the Takfiri terrorists operating in the region, according to Press TV reports monitored by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA).
In an article published on the Press TV website on Friday, Gordon Duff said militants from the al-Qaeda splinter group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) enjoy the trio’s “full intelligence and logistical support.”
Duff further wrote that the ISIL terrorists managed to “simply” walk into Iraq and wreak havoc on the Arab state although Washington, Tel Aviv and Riyadh constantly spy on “all communications in the region.”
“Intelligence sources now tell us that this same trio, hiding behind the ISIL, is waging a corporate war across the Middle East, a surrogate war backed by corporate billions,” wrote the analyst.
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The analyst also warned of the repercussions of supporting the ISIL terrorists in Iraq and stressed that “there will be no winners” if the violence-stricken state falls apart.
On June 10, the ISIL militants took control of Mosul, the capital of Nineveh Province, which was followed by the fall of Tikrit, located 140 kilometers (87 miles) northwest of the capital, Baghdad.
Fierce clashes are underway between Iraqi armed forces and the Takfiri militants, who have vowed to take their atrocities to the Iraqi capital of Baghdad and other cities across the country.
Earlier this week, Iraq’s Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki lashed out at Saudi Arabia for supporting the ISIL terrorists, who are perpetrating genocide against the Iraqi nation.
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Riyadh’s support for the ISIL makes the Al Saud regime responsible for the “crimes that may qualify as genocide: the spilling of Iraqi blood, the destruction of Iraqi state institutions and historic and religious sites,” Maliki said in a statement. (T/E01/IR)
Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)
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