Uighurs Urge ICC to Investigate Genocide in Xinjiang

London, MINA – Uighurs in exile urge the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate senior Chinese leaders, including President Xi Jinping which is related to the acts of genocide and crimes against humanity in Xinjiang Province.

A group of lawyers have filed complaints, asking the ICC court to investigate allegations of crimes committed against Uighurs and other ethnic groups, including mass detention camps, birth control and forced sterilization, slaughter, torture and repressive actions against Islam.

Although China is not under the authority of the ICC, the groups claim part of the crime was committed in two countries, Tajikistan and Cambodia. Independent reports on Wednesday (July 8).

Uighurs are illegally deported from the two countries to Xinjiang, a Chinese province, where they were persecuted, the filing claims.

The complaint was made on behalf of the Government of East Turkistan in Exile (ETGE) and the East Turkistan National Awakening Movement (ETNAM).

“It has been assumed for too long that nothing can be done by the world criminal court,” said Rodney Dixon, who heads the team of lawyers.

“Now, there is a clear legal route to justice for millions of Uighurs who are suspected of being persecuted en masse by Chinese authorities,” he continued.

He added, “This is a breakthrough and important opportunity, so we urge the ICC Prosecutor to pursue it without delay. This opportunity should not be wasted. ”

The ETGE group stated, “We have been oppressed for too long by China and the Chinese Communist Party and we have suffered so much that the massacre of our people can no longer be ignored.”

China has arrested and detained more than one million Uighurs and other Muslim ethnic groups in a wide network of indoctrination centers, which officials call “re-education camps”. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)