Thousands of Muslims in Banjarnegara Hold Solidarity Action with Palestine

Thousands of Muslims in Banjarnegara, Central Java, took to the streets in a peaceful demonstration in solidarity with Palestine through a long march and speeches in the city of Banjarnegara on Sunday, June 23, 2024. (Photo: Irfan/MINA)

Banjarnegara, MINA – Thousands of Muslims in Banjarnegara, Central Java, took to the streets in a peaceful demonstration in solidarity with Palestine through a long march and speeches in the city of Banjarnegara on Sunday, June 23, 2024.

The participants consisted of various Islamic organizations and study groups affiliated with the Banjarnegara Forum for Palestine Care.

The march began in front of An Nuur Mosque Banjarnegara, proceeded with a long march from SMPN 1 Banjarnegara, and concluded in front of the Regional Secretary Office at Alun-Alun Banjarnegara Complex.

The event started with a recitation of the Quranic verses, singing the Indonesian national anthem “Indonesia Raya,” speeches, followed by the long march and speeches by prominent figures, alongside fundraising and collective prayers.

At the forefront of the long march were mounted troops and command vehicles, followed by the demonstrators.

Totok Mustofa, the head of the organizing committee, stated that the demonstration was held as a gesture of solidarity and humanitarian concern for Palestine under occupation.

“They are oppressed, even more brutally, those targeted are refugees, not just fighters,” he said in an interview with MINA.

He revealed that more than a thousand participants took part in the demonstration.

“The donations collected amounted to approximately Rp60 million, but this is not final as we are still compiling those made through bank transfers,” he added.

He mentioned that such demonstrations by Banjarnegara residents will continue until Palestine achieves independence.

“There will be further actions until Palestine is free,” he affirmed.

During the long march, participants carried various pamphlets and banners with messages such as “Indonesia For Rafah,” “Don’t claim to be young if you don’t support Palestine,” “Viva La Palestine,” “Free Palestine,” “Rafah will not falter,” “Save Children,” “Israel the real enemy,” “All eyes on Rafah,” and “Israel is the real terrorist.”

The demonstration proceeded smoothly and peacefully, with dozens of police officers from Banjarnegara Police securing the event. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)