Conference of  World Islamic Tourism Market (WITM) and Indonesia Travel and Holiday Fair (ITHF) 2014 (Photo: mirajnews)
Conference of World Islamic Tourism Market (WITM) and Indonesia Travel and Holiday Fair (ITHF) 2014 (Photo: mirajnews)

Jakarta, 1 Muharram 1436/25 October 2014 (MINA) – Tourists were interesting in sharia tourism objects in Japan. It was proved by the increasing of tourists visit each years.

The director of Malaysia company in Japan, Akmal Abu Hasan said: “Syariah tourism is very booming in Japan. Discussions about halal products always perform in various media every week ”.

According to him, Japan is A country with Muslims minority,  Muslim lifestyle facilities such as mosque existed there.

Hasan said, in world Islamic Tourism Market Conference on Friday, Kyoto is one of Japan island  which has good facilities for Muslim tourists. There were some mosques and halal restaurants. People in the island still sustained traditional life.

He added the biggest muslim community in Japan is from Indonesia. Most of them were working in various Japan companies.

Japan media and government pay attention to sharia tourism. Japan ambassador for Indonesia, Yoshinori Katori wants to promote Japan sharia tourism to Indonesians.

“We focus on supplying halal foods, we also continue study about halal foods in some prefectures,” said Katori

The Chief of ASEAN promotion for trade, Investment and tourism in Tokyo, Ken Fujita said his authority has built airport for Muslim tourists by supplying information and facilities. Mosque has been built for the first time at Narita airport in Chiba prefecture on last December.(L/P009/R03)


Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)