Minister Retno: Indonesia Consistently Supports Palestinian Independence

Jakarta, MINA – Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi stressed that Indonesian government consistently supports the struggle for Palestinian independence, which is currently still under constant pressure from Israel.

Retno delivered the statement after her meeting with the General Chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Kiai Said Aqil Siradj at the PBNU Central Building, Jalan Kramat Raya, Central Jakarta on Tuesday, February 11.

“Indonesia continues to be consistent in voicing, supporting, the struggle of Palestinian people,” Retno told the media crew.

Retno said when viewed from the trail of struggle, then Indonesia became one of the countries that continued to be consistent with that struggle. According to her, from time to time, the struggle of Palestinian people become easier, but more difficult.

“The road will definitely be steep. But I think when we have talked about justice, those principles must continue to be voiced, ” she said.

She admitted that she received a lot of input from friends at PBNU, which in essence was to convey continued support with the government to voice justice for Palestine. But the struggle of Indonesian nation cannot be done alone.

“We are usually quite routine in making friendships to discuss issues of the interests of the Ummah. On this occasion, we talked about two things, but I want to focus on things related to Palestine, “Retno said.

“This is a great struggle, and that great struggle must be done together. If not together, the results will not be maximal, ” she added.

Retno reiterated that the Indonesian government will be consistent, will continue to fight alongside Palestine. She appreciated that Indonesian people continued to work together with the government to fortify, together fight for Palestine.

“Once again, this struggle is a great struggle that needs unity, it needs unity among us to support the Palestinian cause. So the point is, ” she said. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)