From right to left: Minister A.M. Fachir, MER-C Presidium Sarbini Abdul Murad, Farid Thalib, Rima Manzanaris. Photo: Putri / MINA
From right to left: Minister A.M. Fachir, MER-C Presidium Sarbini Abdul Murad, Farid Thalib, Rima Manzanaris. Photo: Putri / MINA

Jakarta, 28 Akhir 1436/17 April 2015 (MINA) – Medical Emergency Rescue Committee (MER-C), an international humanitarian agency based in Indonesia, does intensive coordination with the government in preparation for  the inauguration of Indonesian hospitals in Gaza Strip.

Indonesian Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister A.M. Fachir expressed his appreciation for the MER-C on humanitarian aid efforts to implement the mandate of the people to build a hospital in the only area that is still colonized foreign power.

“I appreciate the progress of MER-C in realizing such a “mission impossible” (building a hospital in Gaza). But with the high-determination, it can be realized, and this certainly it is not easy, ” said Fachir, in Foreign Ministry office, Thursday.

So far, the inauguration is planned for June. But, it is still waiting for the permission from Egyptian government.

MER-C Operational Manager, Rima Manzanaris said Indonesian government committed to provide assistance to MERC in requesting permission from Egyptian authorities.

Meanwhile, The Egyptian government stated that May and June are the best time because Israel has already done the election.

Rima said, most of the medical equipments of Indonesian hospital in Gaza are already available and some others are still waiting Israeli authority permission.

“We hope that it can be quickly completed and Indonesian hospital  can be operated as soon as possible,” said Rima.

Following the latest crisis in Sinai,  Indonesian government hopes it does not be a problem so the inauguration can be done on schedule.(L/P007/R03/P3)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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