Marocco Activists Reject Normalization With Israel

Rabat, MINA -Dozens of Morocco activists on Friday participated in Palestinian olidarity action at the Morocco capital, Rabat, rejecting the Normalization of the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain with Israel.

The solidarity action was held in front of the parliament structure, with the theme “Palestine is a mandate and normalization is treason” which was held by 28 organizations in Morocco. Palinfo Melayu reported on Saturday.

The protesters shouted chants condemning the treason agreement, “Against Occupation, No Normalization, Palestine Not For Sale,” “Resistance as a Mandate and Normalization as Betrayal,” waving Palestine and Morocco flags.

Appearing to be present at the solidarity action, Chairman of the Tauhid and Reform Movement, Abdul Rahim Syaikhi, Secretary General of the opposition United Socialist party, Nabilah Munib, Chairman of the Morocco Normalization Resistance, Ahmad Waihaman.

It was also present the coordinator of the National Working Group for Palestine, Abdul Qadir al-Ilmi, as well as human rights activists, politicians and social activists.

According to the statement of the initiator of the action, the aim of the action is to reject the treason and normalization agreement carried out by the Emirate and Bahrain regimes with American sponsorship with the Zionist occupation.

The action is an attempt by Morocco to face all efforts to eliminate the Palestine issue, through normalization and Zionist attacks on Arab political stability, and its infiltration against Arab society and Muslims.

Its emphasized that the Palestine issue for Morocco is part of the national problem.

On Tuesday, the UAE and Bahrain signed a normalization agreement with Israel at the White House was mediated the US President Donald Trump and widespread opposition among Arabs.

Under the agreement, the Emirates and Bahrain joined Egypt and Jordan, which have peace agreement with Israel since 1979 and 1994. (T/Hju/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)