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Learning Language By Isarah; Sharing Indonesian Best Practices

Rana Setiawan - Wednesday, 12 May 2021 - 08:23 WIB

Wednesday, 12 May 2021 - 08:23 WIB

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By Moehammad Amar Ma’ruf, Charge d’Affaires a.i. of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Tripoli-Libya

Talking about language, people will be very impressed with the diversity of culture, ethnic, and people found in the world. At least thousand of languages that being used by people in the world within their communities. For that reason, the Almighty God order us to know to each other this diverse aspect (Qurán:49;13). In the world forum, especially in the United Nations, at least there are five world languages that being officially used in this fora, one of them is Arabic Language.

To understand language, people should learn and engage with people who use that language. While doing that, people should also open and read related books for their reference book printed in intended language to guide their understanding about that language.

To have speedy understanding and memorizing the words, people need practice by studying, listening, talking, reading as many as possible the world of that language.

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The situation on how we learn the language is different and situational. It may be easier for ordinary people to practice but there some peoples who have limitation due to specific condition for example for the Mute and the Deaf, they need some additional aid, ways, and expertise.

Noting the above development, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia feels obliged to share best practices to reduce the obstacle that being faced by our brothers and sisters who face that situation. In tandem with this feeling, the Embassy opens opportunity to cooperate with related institutions and stakeholders in Libya in this capacity.

To begin with this sincere purpose, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Tripoli, in collaboration with the Management of Istiqlal Mosque Management, the Learning Foundation of Dead and Mute of Indonesia (Yayasan Majelis Taklim Tuli Indonesia/MTTI) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic Indonesia c.q. Central for Education and Training and Indonesian Families Members living in Libya, make collaborative program in publishing “Electronic Masdar in Series” for Special Need Persons.

This program contains the simple studies on infinitive word and its derivatives in the format of general completed by Isarah Explanation for the Special Need Persons (the Mute and the Deaf). This program is intended to facilitate the special person who has handicapped in listening and talking (deaf and mute) study more specific the meaning of Arabic Language through analyzing word and its derivative from Verses of Holy Qur’an.

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It is understood that the Deaf and the Mute needs special treatment. Therefore for this purpose, the best way is to learn Al-Qur’an by engaging its experts in Isarah Language from Yayasan Majelis Taklim Tuli Indonesia ( MTTI). With the collaboration approach, In syaa Allah, the result will be more positive for all.

The initial program is begun by exploring Surah Al Fatihah. Through this way, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia tries to give practical things for peoples (Special Need Persons) to understand one specific element in Arabic language that referred from the Holy Qur’an.  The Holy Book that actually become source of knowledge and be official and basic reference for world scientist in exploring the Universe.

In that regards, the Embassy of the Republic in Indonesia opens to all stakeholder in Libya who want to contact our Istiqlal State National Mosque Management or the Management of Yayasan Majelis Taklim Tuli Indonesia (MTTI) to seek possible cooperation for benefit of two peoples and two countries.

May Allah the Almighty God protects and leads us to the right path. Aaameen Ya Robbal ‘Aaalameen. (AK/R1/RE1)

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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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