Photo: Ma'an News Agency
Israeli forces detain four Palestinians near Nablus(Photo: Ma’an News Agency)

Nablus, 18 Jumadil Awwal 1436/9 March 2015 (MINA)–  Israeli forces detained two Palestinians at checkpoints Saturday morning and another two during a raid of the Asira al-Shamaliya village in Nablus.

Palestinian security sources told Ma’an that Israeli forces detained Jihad Salman al-Aghbar, 16, from Nablus, from an Israeli military checkpoint near Ramallah.

Israeli soldiers also detained Sergeant Muhammad Ahmad Suleiman Zakarneh, a coordination officer at the Jericho and Jordanian Valley D.C.O from a military checkpoint and transferred him to the Huwwara military camp in Nablus,  Ma’an News Agency quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

Additionally, Israeli forces raided the Asira al-Shamaliya village in northern Nablus, and detained Tareq Marwan Shuli, 27, and Qais Muhammad Abud Jarara, 25, after raiding their homes.

An Israeli army spokeswoman told Ma’an she had no idea about the incidents north of Nablus and could not provide immediate information. (T/P010/P3)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)