Cikampek, MINA – Taufiqurrahman, a young da’i of Al-Fatah Islamic Boarding School stated that the development of Islamic civilization began with a family that had the strength of faith and belief.
“Islamic civilization begins with a family that has strong faith and aqidah,” said Taufiqurrahman at the Tabligh Akbar and the Muharram 1445 H celebration at the Cikampek branch of the Al-Fatah Islamic Boarding School, Karawang, West Java on Sunday.
In a family, there are rights and obligations for each, namely husband and wife, as well as parents and children.
In fact, Allah Ta’ala commands an inseparable Shari’a, namely being grateful to Allah, and being devoted to parents.
Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu alaihi Wasallam gave an example, in building the civilization of society, he started by strengthening the faith and beliefs of his family, followed by his friends.
“So, ask yourself, what kind of generation was born from the wombs of our wives and our homes,” said Taufiqurrahman.
The Tabligh Akbar and the celebration of Muharram this time have the theme “With the Spirit of Hijrah, We Increase Ukhuwah Islamiyah and Ummah Unity Towards Liberation of the Aqsa Mosque.”(T/RE1/P2)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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