Iron Dome Deployed in Greater Tel Aviv Area

IDF Soldiers man an Iron Dome battery. (Photo: file of Jewish Virtual Library)

Tel Aviv, MINA – An Iron Dome missile defense battery was deployed in the Dan region — made up of Tel Aviv and the surrounding suburbs — it was revealed on Tuesday.

That step doing a day after the military said it had stationed several interceptors in central Israel to protect against a possible rocket attack, Times of Israel quoted by MINA as reporting.

The battery is one of several measures taken by the army to raise its alert level and response capabilities amid heightened tensions with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad organization since the army demolished the fighter group’s border-crossing attack tunnel last month.

Also on Tuesday, the army closed off a number of tourist attractions near the Gaza border, out of concerns that the fighters group may carry out a sniper attack on visitors. This included the Black Arrow, Givat Hapa’amon and Nizmit sites, an IDF spokesperson said.

Since the demolition on October 30, local farmers have also not been allowed to approach the Gaza security fence, but there are no other specific instructions for residents, the army said.

The military confirmed on Monday the anti-missile systems were installed in “central Israel,” but would not elaborate on their exact location, citing army policy.

On Tuesday, the military censor allowed media outlets to report that at least one battery was located in the Dan region, which includes Tel Aviv and its environs.

The fighters group is known to have Katyusha rockets, which could reach Israel’s heavily populated central coastal region. (T/RI-1/P2)


Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)