Gorontalo Ready to Make Indonesia Mecca of ‘World Halal Tour’ in 2019

Gorontalo, 27 Rajab 1438/24 April 2017 (MINA) – The Provincial Government of Gorontalo is slated to hold an international seminar “Toward Indonesia Halal Tour 2019” on May 9, 2017, with Tourism Minister Arief Yahya being the keynote speaker.

Acting Governor of Gorontalo Zudan Arif Fakrulloh explained, Tourism Minister Arief Yahya, will talk about the idea and strategy of Halal Tourism development that can be utilized by the region.

“Besides the Minister of Tourism, other speakers are Banyuwangi Regent, as well as from Malaysia and other tourism experts,” Zudan said Sunday.

Meanwhile, Acting Head of Gorontalo Provincial Tourism Office Resma Kabakoran explained, the international seminar “Halal Tourism” where Indonesia is targeting to become the world’s number one halal tourist attraction in 2019.

“We hope the Minister of Tourism can expose his strategy in making Indonesia to World Halal Tour number one 2019,” said Resma Kabakoran.

Meanwhile, other speakers featured in the seminar is Banyuwangi Regent whose area has succeeded in developing halal tourism destination.

“In addition to them there are also local cultural activists to discuss the implementation of Halal Tourism and Culture of Gorontalo,” he explained. As quoted by the iAntara news.

The government expects the seminar will be attended by many parties, both from campus institutions, local small and medium businesses, cultural, organizations and other associations engaged in the tourism sector.

“Our target is how Gorontalo can develop halal tourism destination, because it is very potential to be developed,” he concluded. (P2/RS5)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agnecy (MINA)