Indonesian Ulema Support Government to Consistently Reject Relations with Israel

Photo: Arif Saputra

Jakarta, MINA – The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) asked Indonesia to remain consistent and reject the possibility of bilateral relations with Israel.

MUI’s Head of Foreign Affairs, Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim, said that the government must firmly show the world the attitude of rejecting imperialism anything and anywhere.

“Don’t let it be because of economic considerations, for example, that we as a nation sacrifice what has become our attitude and personality and our beliefs so far. All cooperation efforts, including economic cooperation with Israel, must be rejected,” he said in a written statement on Tuesday.

According to him, establishing bilateral relations with any country, including Israel, is the right of every country. However, he said, Indonesia had to consider Israel’s occupation.

Sudarnoto emphasized that Indonesia cannot allow colonialism in the midst of achieving international peace. For that, he asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to continue to fight for the independence of the Palestinian people.

“Indonesia must remain consistent and consistent with its identity as a nation that is against and anti-colonialism,” he said.

For this consideration, he also expressed his appreciation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for taking a firm stance on the issue of a possible bilateral relationship between Israel and Indonesia.

The issue is first reported by Israeli media, The Jerusalem Post on Sunday, which published a report claiming that Indonesia wanted to normalize relations with Israel in public.

However, the Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Teuku Faizasyah, denied this claim. He said that so far the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has never had any contact with Israel.

“The Foreign Ministry has never had any contact with Israel. In carrying out Indonesia’s foreign policy regarding the Palestinian issue, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is consistently diplomatic in accordance with the mandate of the constitution,” he said. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)