Indonesian Ministry of Religion to Hold Isbat Session for the Beginning of Shawwal on April 9

Ministry of Religion's rukyatul hilal team. (photo: Ministry of Religion) Ministry of Religion's rukyatul hilal monitoring team. (source: Ministry of Religion)

Jakarta, MINA – The Indonesian Ministry of Religion will hold an Isbat (Determination) Session for 1 Shawwal 1445 Hijriah on Tuesday, April 9 2024 at the HM Auditorium. Rasjidi, Indonesian Ministry of Religion Office, Jalan MH. Thamrin, Jakarta.

The Director General of Islamic Community Guidance, Kamaruddin Amin, explained that the isbat session was held behind closed doors, and was attended by Commission VIII DPR RI, MUI leadership, ambassadors from friendly countries, representatives of Islamic mass organizations, as well as the Hisab Rukyat Team of the Ministry of Religion.

“As usual, the initial Isbat session of Shawwal is always held on the 29th of Ramadan. “This year, it coincides with April 9 2024,” said the Director General in Jakarta on Tuesday.

The isbat session will begin with a seminar explaining the position of the Hilal by the Hisab Rukyat Team of the Ministry of Religion. Based on reckoning data, ijtima occurred on Tuesday, 29 Ramadan 1445 AH / 9 April 2024 at around 01.20 WIB.

At sunset, the height of the crescent moon throughout Indonesia is above the horizon between 4° 52.71′ (four degrees fifty-two point seventy-one minutes) to 7° 37.84′ (seven degrees thirty-seven point eighty-four minutes) and elongation angle 8° 23.68′ (eight degrees twenty-three point sixty-eight minutes) to 10° 12.94′ (ten degrees twelve point ninety-four minutes).

“Based on the criteria of MABIMS (Minister of Religion of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore), the position of the new moon in question meets the criteria for visibility of the new moon (Imkanur Rukyat), namely the height of the new moon is 3 degrees and the elongation angle is 6.4 degrees,” he added.

The Ministry of Religion, said the Director General, will also monitor the new moon or Rukyatul hilal in various provinces.

“For the Isbat session at the beginning of Shawwal, the Ministry of Religion will deploy teams to 120 locations throughout Indonesia. “They will report whether the crescent moon was seen on that day or not,” he added.

Meanwhile, the results of the reckoning and Rukyatul hilal will be discussed and determined at the isbat session.

“So when is Eid al-Fitr, we are still waiting for the decision of the isbat court. “The results will be announced openly through a press conference,” explained the Director General.

Kamaruddin explained that the implementation of the isbat session was a formal determination in accordance with the law. He explained, the legal basis for the isbat trial is contained in Article 52 A of Law Number 3 of 2006 concerning Amendments to Law Number 7 of 1989 concerning Religious Courts.

This article states that the Religious Courts provide isbat testimony for the rukyat hilal in determining the beginning of the month in the Hijriah year.

“Even though everyone already knows the position of the new moon, the isbat session still has to be held, because the isbat session is not only a formal determination forum, but also a forum for friendship and literacy,” he added.

The Director General added that the isbat session is a forum for deliberation between Islamic community organizations, astronomy and astronomy experts, related institutions (BMKG, BIG, Planetarium, ITB Bosscha, UIN, and others) in jointly determining the time to start fasting and holidays for the benefit of the people and Ukhuwah Islamiyah. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)