Jakarta, MINA – The Chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) Kiai Haji Said Aqil Siradj has said that the 2018 National Santri Day’s theme aims to maintain a harmonious unity and diversity in Indonesia.
The National Santri Day which is planned to be held in Tasikmalaya and Garut on October 22 will have the theme “Santri’s Dedication for Independent Indonesia”.
Santri or strict follower of Islam has been proven in history able to become the main guardian in liberating of Indonesia from various crashes of colonialization. Santri also has become an effective driver of dynamic development in the community life.
“The dedication of santri is never timeless in devoting themselves to the country, spreading the seeds of tolerance and harmony in religious life on diversity,” said Aqil Said at a press conference at the PBNU Building, Jakarta, Wednesday.
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Santri at this time and in the future are expected to be able answering the challenges of their times, win global battles, take strategic roles, dedicate themselves to always be ready to sacrifice and love for their homeland.
The Chairman of the National Commeration of Santri Day KH. Marsudi Syuhud explained a series of activities to highlight the commemoraion includes Istighosah Akbar, sholawat, Santri prenuer Award, Talk Show, bilingual speech competition (English and Arabic) and National Ta’lim competition.
These activities are expected to be able to raise the spirit of santri in dedicating to the country, consolidate the unity of santri movement, sharpen the various talents and skills of santri, and encourage the leadership from santri.
The Commemoration of santri day on October 22 is set through a Presidential Decree Number 22 of 2015. (TL/Sj/RS5)
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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)