Jokowi explains the government's determination
Jokowi explains the government’s determination

Solo, 16 Rabi’ul Awwal 1437/27 December 2015 (MINA) –  President Joko Widodo has said that Indonesian people should not be afraid with the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) on December 31, 2015, because other countries actually fear their countries will be flooded with Indonesian products and workers.

A number of leaders from neighboring countries, such as Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia in various occasions, according to President Jokowi,  had repeatedly expressed fears to Indonesia if the EAC market  had been opened


However, on several occasions the President also said that there were still many people and businesses who fear the free market in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

“I need to remind you that they are just afraid of us, why we are afraid of them. We should prepare ourself, what is lacking should be immediately fixed, “President Joko Widodo told village heads coming from throughout the country at the Boyolali Hajj Boarding Hall here Saturday, Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) quoted Antara News Agency as reporting.

According to President Jokowi there were many people who still did not know if the AEC had been launched.

“We will enter 2016 in the coming five days. It means there will be 11 ASEAN countries will compete. We do not know how heavy the competition will be because ASEAN countries will have no borders any longer, “the President said.

Entering the market, the president said, is something that could not be prevented because Indonesia has signed it 11 years ago. Inevitably Indonesia should participate in the competition.

The President also reminded that in addition to the MEA, there will be Trans-Pacific Partnerships/TPP) and the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the European Union that will take effect in two years.

“If we do not join, our export goods will be taxed 15 to 20 percent.  If so, what can we sell?”  (T/P10/R07)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)