Peace in Palestine = Peace in the World



Haniyeh: Three Variables Support for Palestina Cause

sajadi - Friday, 3 December 2021 - 10:33 WIB

Friday, 3 December 2021 - 10:33 WIB


Istanbul, MINA – The head of the Hamas political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, expressed his pride in participating in the Jerusalem Pioneers Conference, which was held in conjunction with the International Day of Solidarity of the Palestinian People.

He said, “We are proud of this conference, with the participation of the Palestinian resistance that fought the occupation and is still, in defense of this nation, the blessed land of Palestine.”

Haniyeh added, “How beautiful it is for this conference to be held in the month of Hamas’ anniversary.”

Haniyeh stated that there are three basic variables that affected the course of the Palestinian cause, as it is a positive change in favor of the Palestinian cause.

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He mentioned that the first of these factors is the recent Israeli aggression on Gaza, which the Palestinian resistance named the Battle of the Sword of Jerusalem, which made a clear change in the course of the issue, as well as affecting the balance of power between the Palestinian and Israeli sides.

The head of the Hamas political bureau added, “The Battle of Sword of Jerusalem brought about a fundamental change in the history of the conflict with the Zionist enemy.” “It is the battle that our Palestinian people fought from the land of Jerusalem, the Al-Aqsa mosque, the West Bank, the occupied lands and the diaspora, and then it ended with an armed escalation from the land of Gaza.”

Haniyeh stressed that the battle of the sword of Jerusalem with the Israeli occupation will not end unless the entire Palestinian lands are liberated and the Israeli occupation ends.

As for the second factores, Haniyeh stressed that the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, after 20 years of occupation, is an important variable on the course of the Palestinian cause.

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He said, “The US army entered Afghanistan, 20 years ago, and occupied its land and people, but the Afghan people resisted this occupation until they defeated it from their Islamic land.”

Haniyeh continued, “This American withdrawal from Afghan lands will be followed by other withdrawals in the region and a restriction of this military presence in the region. These withdrawals will weaken the allied countries, led by the Zionist occupation.”

Haniyeh stressed the need to view this withdrawal in a positive way in favor of the Palestinian cause, and he linked the US withdrawal to the Battle of Sword of Jerusalem with the Israeli occupation.

He added that the US are no longer able to impose their control on the world like before, and will not be able to confront these changes in favor of the Palestinian cause.

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As for the third variable, he stressed that this conference is a new definition of the direction of the region, in contrast to the previous trend, in light of the ideological, religious and military invasion against the peoples of the region and attempts to dismantle the Arab and Islamic forces and remove them from the course of the Palestinian issue.

Haniyeh expressed his pride of the participation of many Palestinian, Arab and Islamic figures in this conference, in order to liberate Jerusalem and the Palestinian territories.

He stressed that these three variables, which appeared in the past few months, are a clear transition stage between one era and another, where the sovereignty in the region is for Islamic and Arab forces.

Haniyeh stressed that Jerusalem is the centerpiece of the Palestinian conflict with the Israeli occupation, as well as the central issue of the Arab and Islamic nation.

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He warned that Jerusalem is now witnessing a real danger, in light of the Israeli violations in Jerusalem, which require the development of serious and effective plans to confront settlement plans in Jerusalem, and to liberate Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa.

He also stressed the need to support the Palestinian resistance, as he expressed his pride in the resistance that continues to confront the Israeli occupation.

He also stressed the Palestinian leadership’s adherence to the option of resistance, and called on all Islamic and Arab forces to support the resistance financially and politically, and work to strengthen the resistance’s unity and strength, in the face of the Israeli occupation.

Haniyeh also expressed his regret for the position of a number of Arab countries towards the Israeli occupation, which have extensively normalized with it recently, and he called to stand against normalization and the governments normalized with the Israeli occupation.

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Haniyeh stressed that the normalization of Arab countries with the Israeli occupation, which has increased significantly, will only increase the weakness of the Israeli occupation and its allies.

He reiterated that all Arab and Islamic countries are one nation, and the Israeli occupation should not be a reason for the disintegration of this nation. (L/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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