Hamas Refuses to Link Prisoners’ File to Any Other Negotiating Track

Photo: Anadolu

Gaza, MINA – The deputy head of the “Hamas” movement in the Gaza Strip, Khalil al-Hayya, said that his movement does not accept prolonging the reconstruction of what was destroyed by “Israel”, and procrastinating in breaking the siege of Gaza.

This came in a televised interview with Al-Aqsa TV, according to what was published by the official website of “Hamas” on Friday.

“The mediators told us that there are requirements to stabilize the ceasefire, and we do not accept prolonging reconstruction, manipulating and procrastinating the mechanisms of breaking the siege,” said Al-Hayya as quoted by Quds Press.

He added rebuilding industrial, agricultural and commercial facilities is no less important than rebuilding residential buildings.

Al-Hayya expressed his movement’s refusal to “link the prisoners’ file to any other negotiating track.”

“We will not allow the occupation in any way to nibble any of the achievements of Saif Al-Quds,” he added.

Al-Hayya explained, America, the occupation, and some local parties are trying to dim the image of victory, by despairing people and creating trouble for them, and returning the Palestinian scene to its previous era of rivalries.

Regarding Hamas’ foreign tour abroad, al-Hayya said the visit of the Hamas leadership to a number of countries after the Battle of the Sword of Jerusalem aims to restore consideration to the Palestinian cause, restore solidarity and partnership in confronting the occupation, and work to curb the expansion of the occupation in the region through normalization.

He stressed his movement’s rejection of the path of Arab normalization with “Israel”.

He pointed out that Hamas foreign policy is based on complete openness to all countries of the world without exception and want these relations to serve our Palestinian right without offering political costs.

A delegation from Hamas headed by the head of its political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, recently visited Egypt, Morocco, and Mauritania.

Haniyeh intends to continue his tour in a number of countries in the region, as announced by Hamas without specifying those countries or the dates of their visit. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)