Hamas Collects Secret Data on 2,000 Israeli Soldiers

Gaza, MINA – In the process of intelligence gathering, the Palestinian resistance group Hamas collected a complete file on more than 2,000 members of the Israeli Air Force, entitled “In revenge for the killers of Gaza’s children.”

Full names, bases or units, ID numbers, cell phone numbers, email addresses, social media accounts, family members’ names, passwords, vehicle license plates, credit card numbers, and bank account information were all included in every report Hamas managed to collect , Al Mayadeen reported on Monday (July 22).

The files, which vary in length to over 200 pages, were recently made public once again and provided to an international team of investigative journalists led by Paper Trail Media in collaboration with German media outlets Die Zeit and ZDF, Austrian media outlets Der Standard and Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

According to experts who spoke to the group of investigative journalists, it illustrates how the failure of various Israeli entities to enforce cybersecurity standards has allowed Hamas to obtain information that could expose thousands of illegal Israeli settlers to various threats.

“These include doxing, retaliation, persecution, being the target of advanced intelligence surveillance, and exposure to legal threats abroad,” the experts said. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)