Fatah, Hamas Sign Reconciliation Deal in Cairo

Cairo, MINA –The Fatah and Hamas delegations in Cairo have officially signed a reconciliation agreement on Thursday to end a decade-long political split.

The agreement, which is a reactivation of a previous deal signed in 2011, was signed in the presence of Egyptian Intelligence Minister Khalid Fawzi.

“What has been announced is the essence of what has been agreed upon and not everything that has been reached,” WAFA quoted member of Fatah Central Committee Azzam al-Ahmad as saying in a press conference in Cairo.

Al-Ahmad, who is also the head of Fatah delegation for the Cairo talks, said what was agreed upon two weeks ago under the auspices of Egypt is empowering the legitimate government to operate in accordance with its powers in accordance with the Basic Law in effect in the West Bank.

He also pointed out that the government will manage the institutions and bodies of all ministries without exception, as well as the full agreement on the management of all crossings, whether with Israel or Egypt, most importantly the Rafah crossing.

The Fatah official stressed that President Mahmoud Abbas instructed the delegation not to return without a reconciliation deal.

“We must close the page of division forever to unite the efforts of the Palestinian people with all its forces, specially Fatah and Hamas, so that we can confront the occupation in order to realize the Palestinian dream of ending the occupation and establishing our sovereign state with Jerusalem as its capital,” he said.

Al-Ahmed highly appreciated the Egyptian role and keenness to achieve Palestinian reconciliation, stressing that Egypt is the sponsor of the Arab national security, including the Palestinian security.

Meanwhile, Egypt invited the convening of a meeting in Cairo on 21/11/2017 for all the Palestinian factions that signed the Palestinian National Accord Agreement on May 4, 2011.

In a press statement, Egypt expressed its deep appreciation to the Fatah and Hamas movements for the positive spirit of the two delegations which led to reaching this agreement.

“We also extend our thanks and appreciation to President Abbas who had the desire and the real will to end the division and restore the unity of the brotherly Palestinian people,” the statement read.

The Fatah and Hamas delegations arrived in Cairo on Monday and held two days of talks to finalize the reconciliation agreement under the sponsorship of the Egyptian authorities. (T/RS5/RS1)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)