Egypt Denies News About Giving Sinai to Palestinians


Cairo, 26 Jumadil Awwal 1438/24 February 2017 (MINA) – The spokesman for Egypt’s president categorically denied Israeli reports that Egypt has proposed giving up part of Sinai Peninsula for the Palestinians to set up an independent state.

In a statement, Alaa Youssef said the issue has not been discussed or presented by any party with Egypt, the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) reported.

“It’s unimaginable to get into such unrealistic and unacceptable proposals especially in Sinai, which is a dear part of the nation,” he added.

He called on Egyptians not to pay attention to such unrealistic rumors, stressing that they aim at stirring sedition and affect trust in the government.

Israeli and international media reports published a proposal made by Egypt’s President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi for the establishment of a Palestinian state on Gaza and part of Sinai Peninsula.(T/R04/RS05)

Mi’raj Islamic news Agency (MINA)