Cairo University Students protest on Tuesday. (Photo Daily Nnews by Ahmed Al-Malky)
Cairo University Students protest on Tuesday.
(Photo Daily Nnews by Ahmed Al-Malky)

Cairo, 7 Muharam 1436/30 October 2014 (MINA) – Egyptian security forces detained at least 34 students across the state with accusing them inciting violence in a variety of anti-government protest.

Egypt’s Ministry of the Interior said in a statement on Tuesday, as many as 14 students were arrested at the University of Al-Azhar as they were attempting to block the road whilst chanting anti government slogans, while three others were arrested in Cairo University, where 50 students gathered in a protest.

The University of Al-Azhar on the same day issued a statement for supporting the government action that imposes crackdowns on anti-government demonstrators, Egypt Daily News quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

“Whoever gets involved in these incidents will be immediately expelled from the university,” the statement added.

According to Human Rights Watch and Student Freedom Observatory, 110 university students were arrested from the beginning of the academic year until 14 October, across several public universities in Egypt. State TV also reported that 10 students from Cairo University were expelled. The students were supposed to show up for an official investigation on counts of rioting inside campus.

The Association of Freedom of Thought and Expression (AFTE) stated that at least 230 students have been arrested since the beginning of the new academic year.

Students Against the Coup leader Yousef Alsalheen, said “whenever clashes break out at any campus, the security forces wage an inspection raid on the entire campus and its surroundings, sometimes randomly arresting people that did not take part in any protests.”

“We aim through our protests to voice the stories of our detained colleagues and those who were killed last year,” he added.

In Suez, a member of the student union was arrested to be detained for 15 days on counts of inciting violence and taking part in riots inside the campus.(T/R04/P3)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)