The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno LP Marsudi. (Foto: MINA)
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno LP Marsudi. (Foto: MINA)

Jakarta, 27 Rabi’ul Awwal 1437/7 January 2016 (MINA) – The Indonesian government has evacuated at least 4.830 Indonesian citizens and foreign nationals from conflict-torn countries during the past year.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno LP Marsudi made the statement in an annual report at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs  which was attended by almost all foreign ambassadors in Indonesia.

Data shows  the evacuation of 2.393 Indonesians and 173 foreign nationals from Yemen was the biggest, most complex and fastest ever carried out by the Indonesian Government.

Other evacuees are 2.214 Indoesians from Syiria, 199 Indonesians from Libya, and 24 Indonesians as well as 4 foreigners from Nepal.

“Evacuation in Yaman was the bigest, most complex and fastest evacuation ever carried out by Indonesian Government,” said Retno when explained her report.

Additionally, Retno added, the government had facilitated the repatriation of 94.529 Indonesian citizens/workers, which far exceeded the 50.000 target in 2015.

Retno said, the government also freed 52 Indonesians from death row through diplomatic and consular channels in accordance with the prevailing laws. We set free two Indonesian hostages from armed groups in PNG.

Retno continued, the the government has also provided vocational training to 4.298 migrant workers to prepare them for entering retirement, facilitated education as well as access to Open University for 2.437 Indonesian workers. Retno conclude the total number of Indonesians that were protected amounted to 109.382 people in 2015.(L/P008/R04/R07)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)