Al-Quds Malaysia Holds Seminar of the Dangerous Draft of “Deal of the Century

Kuala Lumpur, MNA – The Al-Quds Malaysia Foundation collaborating with Al-Zaytuna Association for Women and Children held a seminar with the participation from members of Palestinian and Arab communities in Malaysia to raise awareness of the dangerous draft of “Deal of the Century”

The seminar entitled “Deal of the Century. What is it, the danger and the way to deal with it “, was held at the Al-Quds Foundation headquarters in the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur on Sunday, Palinfo reported.

Present as a speaker, namely Dr. Sharif Abu Shammala, President of the Al-Quds Malaysia Foundation who explained the presentation of “Deal of the Century” and the final projects he had achieved.

Shammala said the peace plan initiated by the US President Donald Trump was an extension of many previous efforts aimed at liquidating the Palestinian issue.

“Deal of the Century” explicitly targets the elimination of Palestinian and Islamic identity from the city of Al-Quds by taking the city in terms of its history, civilization and denies that it is part of Palestine. He also submitted a proposal to move the capital to Palestine to the city of Shuafat, ignoring the status of Al-Quds and the religious and cultural characteristics of the Palestinian people, ” he said.

According to Shammala, the amount and area shown in the details of the agreement saved by the American government from the historical map of Palestinian land, no more than 15 percent of the Palestinian territories.

“This shows a measure of contempt for logic, Arabs, Palestinians and the Palestinian Authority in particular who have always pinned their hopes on the Americans for decades of negotiating rounds,” Shammala said.

He warned that the Al-Aqsa Mosque site in “Deal of the Century had robbed of its Islamic exclusivity as Jabal Muqoddas and gave the Jews the right to their violations by making it a public shrine, while imposing spatial and temporal division with Jews.

Meanwhile, Sheikh Ahmad Abu Dalal, representing Palestinian Scholars Association, also spoke at the symposium, he explained the status of Palestinian religion and rule of law and the need to maintain it and should not ignore it.

In addition, from the youth and students, Muhammad Sobeih, President of the Palestinian Student Association in Malaysia spoke about the great role young people can play in dealing with Deal of the Century. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)