Abbas Hopes 2017 Would See End to Israeli Occupation

Palestinian President stresses key for peace lies in Israel ending occupation.



Gaza, 02 Rabiul Akhir 1438/01 January 2017 (MINA) – Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas voiced hope that 2017 would be the year of international recognition of the State of Palestine based on two-state solution to Palestinian-Israeli conflict and UN resolutions.

“We hope that this year will see an end to the Israeli occupation and real chances for establishing fair and lasting peace in the Middle East region,” he said in a press release aired by Palestine TV and carried by WAFA news agency on Saturday night.

The statement is to mark the 52nd anniversary of the Fatah movement, the largest faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

Commenting on the recent UN Security Council Resolution 2334, President Abbas said: “The historic resolution signals that the illegal Israeli settlements are doomed to extinction.”

In conformity with the internationally-recognized points of reference, including the international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention and the Arab Peace Initiative, the resolution calls on Israel to halt the settlement activities on the occupied Palestinian territories, he pointed out.

The resolution annuls any changes to the demographic nature of the territories or the status quo of the State of Palestine, including East Jerusalem, since 1967, he said, affirming opposition to any Israeli suggestions of partial solutions or temporary borders.

President Abbas welcomed the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin to host a three-party meeting in Moscow on the Middle East peace process.

Meanwhile, he stated readiness to work with the administration of the US President Elect Donald Trump for reaching a fair, permanent and comprehensive settlement to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Dealing with the domestic affairs, President Abbas said consultations are underway with all Palestinian factions to convene a meeting by the National Council in the coming months and elect a new PLO Executive Committee.

He reaffirmed commitment to the efforts meant to reunite the Palestinian people and territories, reach a national reconciliation and relaunch the national dialogue in order to prepare the ground for presidential and parliamentary elections as early as possible.

He called on the international community to support the Palestinian people in their efforts to rebuilt the national institutions, and reconstruct and rehabilitate infrastructure and public utilities in Gaza Strip in the wake of the Israeli aggression. (T/RS05/RS01)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)