12 Israeli Occupation Soldiers Killed in Operation in Jabalia

Gaza, MINA – Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, said 12 Israeli soldiers were killed in a complex operation in the Jabalia refugee camp, north of the Gaza Strip.

According to a statement issued by the al-Qassam Brigades on Wednesday, the operation took place in the Block 4 area of ​​the Jabalia camp, where its fighters targeted an armored bulldozer with one Yassin 105 projectile, and a group of soldiers hid inside a home with anti-missile personnel before clashing with them. The Palestinian Information Center reported.

“As soon as rescue forces advanced to the place, a Shuwad explosive device was detonated on a Merkava tank, and when there was an attempt [by Israeli soldiers] to retrieve equipment lying on the ground after their comrades were targeted, Zionist warplanes bombed the area was barbaric,” explained the Brigade.

At least 12 Israeli occupation soldiers were killed in the operation, the Brigade confirmed, adding that Israeli soldiers had begun to withdraw their vehicles destroyed by aerial bombardment.

Al-Qassam fighters also seized an Israeli military drone west of the Jabalia camp.

Yesterday, al-Qassam Brigades said its fighters killed eight soldiers and destroyed several tanks and armored vehicles in Jabalia.

The Israeli occupation army, for its part, acknowledged 28 soldiers were injured, some of them critically, in fighting with Hamas fighters in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli army claims as many as 95 soldiers have been injured in Gaza since last weekend. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)