Photo: Ma'an News Agency
Photo: Ma’an News Agency

Bethlehem, 20 Rajab 1436/9 May 2015 (MINA) – There are currently four Palestinian lawyers being held in Israeli jails, the Palestine Prisoners’ Center for Studies said in a statement Friday.

Detailing their cases, the statement called on international rights organizations to intervene and pressure Israel to end detention campaigns against Palestinians.

The statement identified the most recently arrested lawyer as Rami al-Alami, who worked for the Palestinian Authority prisoners’ affairs committee, Maan News Agency quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

He was detained on Feb. 22 on his way home in al-Tur neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem, and was later charged with providing “illegal” services, including couriering letters from prisoners.

Meanwhile, the Israeli authorities last month extended the administrative detention of lawyer Muhammad Allan, 30, by six months for the second time in a row.

Allan was detained on Nov. 15, 2014 after Israeli forces raided and searched his home in Einabus village in southern Nablus, confiscating his mobile phones and work papers.

He was taken to the Negev prison and placed under administrative detention.

Palestinians held in administrative detention are often held without charge or trial for months and without access to the evidence that led to their detention, even though international law stipulates this tactic only be used in exceptional circumstances.

Lawyer Ibrahim Nawwar al-Amer was detained on Nov. 9, 2014, when Israeli soldiers raided his home in Kafr Qalil village in southeastern Nablus, searched and confiscating his mobile phones, computers and camera.

He is currently being held in the Megiddo jail.

Lastly, lawyer prisoner Yasser Muhammad Qawqas, 43, from Beit Ummar in northern Hebron was detained on March 5.

The lawyer had previously spent 10 years in Israeli jails.

Over 6,000 Palestinian prisoners are currently being held in Israeli jails on the basis of policies the international community has decried as discriminatory and illegal.  (T/P010/R04)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)