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Three Suspected Terrorists Linked to Kampung Melayu Blast Detained

muhadjir - Friday, 26 May 2017 - 18:29 WIB

Friday, 26 May 2017 - 18:29 WIB

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Head of Public Relations of West Java Police, Senior Commissioner Yusri Yunus,.jpg

Head of Public Relations of West Java Police, Senior Commissioner Yusri Yunus.


Jakarta, 29 Sha’ban 1438/26 May 2017 (MINA) – The national polices counterterrorism squad Densus 88 and West Java Provinces police personnel detained three suspected terrorists involved in a bomb attack at the Kampung Melayu bus terminal, spokesperson Sr Commissioner Yusri Yunus stated here, Friday.

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“The suspects, with the initials J, W, and A, (were arrested) from three different locations in West Java Provinces Bandung City,” Yunus stated while adding that they were detained in the districts of Cisarua, Margasari, and Dayeuh Kolot.

The suspects are currently still being questioned, but their roles in Wednesdays blast remain unclear, the police spokesperson remarked.

Earlier on Wednesday night, a suicide bomber blew himself up at 9 p.m. local time in front of the terminals toilet that was later followed by a second explosion at 9:05 p.m. local time at the bus station around 10 meters from the location of the first blast.

The bombers identified as Ichwan Nurul Salam and Ahmad Sukri were found dead at the scene.

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The incident also caused the deaths of three police officers: Sec. Brig. Taufan Tsunami, Sec. Brig. Ridho Setiawan, and Sec. Brig. Imam Gilang Adinata.

Six other policemen and five civilians were also injured due to the blast.

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria militant group, as announced by its news agency Amaq, claimed responsibility for the attack.

“The executor of the attack on the Indonesian police gathering in Jakarta was an Islamic State fighter,” Amaq stated as quoted by Channel News Asia.

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The polices initial investigation has revealed that the bombers used pressure cookers armed with explosives, shrapnel, and nails, the National Police spokesperson Insp. Gen. Setyo Wasisto had revealed on Thursday.

A day after the blast, the bus stop at the Kampung Melayu Terminal reopened for regular operations, PT Transportasi Jakarta spokesperson Wibowo stated on Friday while adding that some policemen and military officers are readied to secure the area around the terminal (T/RS5/RS1)

Mi’raj IslamicNews Agency (MINA)


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