Thousands Gather in Jakarta’s National Monument to Pray Together for Palestine

Thousands Gather in Jakarta's National Monument to Pray Together for Palestine (photo: Jawa Pos)

Jakarta, MINA – Hundreds of thousands of people from the 212 Alumni Brotherhood Reunion (PA) gathered at the National Monument (Monas) area, Central Jakarta, on Saturday to carry out actions to defend Palestine and pray together for Palestinian independence.

The Munajat Kubro 212 action with the theme for the Salvation of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and the Victory of Palestine started early in the morning at 03.00 a.m to perform tahajud, munajat and dawn prayers in congregation, as well as praying for Palestine.

Deputy Secretary General of PA 212 Habib Novel Bamukmin said that the event began with the tahajud prayer together. Then the event will continue with munajat activities and sermons from religious scholars.

The demonstrators continue to pray together, then continue with the national preacher’s sermon until 09.00 a.m.

“We ask Allah for Palestine’s victory. We ask Allah, hopefully Israel will be destroyed by Allah. “With the blessing of Yasin’s letter, our country, Indonesia, has been given salvation by Allah,” said Habib Muhammad Husin at the crossroads west of Monas.

The event was also attended by ulama scholars such as Deputy Chair of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) KH Marsudi Syuhud, KH Muhammad Najih Maimoen and other ulama. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)