President Jokowi Receives Dutch King and Queen at Bogor Palace

President Jokowi Receives Visit of King of the Netherlands at Bogor Palace (photo: Setkab)

Bogor, MINA – President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana welcomed the state visit of the Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java on Tuesday, March 10.

King Willem-Alexander and his delegation arrived at Bogor Palace around 10:15 a.m accompanied by Nusantara troops, music corps, and cavalry from the Presidential Security Force. Thus quoted from

The President in his remarks said entering the age of 75 years, Indonesia has a strong commitment to strengthen bilateral relations with the Netherlands.

“A relationship that respects sovereignty, integrity, territory, mutual respect and mutual benefit,” the President said.

“His Majesty’s visit will be recorded by history as a friendly, productive visit, looking to the future without having to forget past history,” he added.

Meanwhile, King Willem-Alexander was pleased with Indonesia’s warm welcome during his visit. According to him, this is an opportunity to improve cooperation between Indonesia and the Netherlands.

“This is a good opportunity to work together for future relations between Indonesia and the Netherlands. Therefore, I am very grateful that most of the Dutch cabinet was also represented with me here today, “said King Willem-Alexander. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)