President Abbas Speaks on Palestinian Prisoners Day

Ramallah, MINA – Palestinian Prisoner’s Day falls every April 17th. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas spoke about the importance of the release of Palestinians held captive by Israel on the occasion.

Palestinian Prisoner’s Day was set on April 17, 1974 by the Palestinian National Council to honor the sacrifice of Palestinian prisoners.

Abbas said the release of political prisoners in Israeli prisons was a priority of the people and Palestinian leadership.

“The issue of captives will remain a top priority despite the many challenges that must be faced. This is to uphold justice and the basic rights of our society, “Abbas said as quoted from Wafa News Agency on Friday, April 17.

Abbas reiterated that his position would not agree to any agreement with Israel as long as all Palestinian political prisoners were not released.

He called the prisoners freedom fighters, “they were willing to sacrifice years of living in prison for the people, freedom, independence and the establishment of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital”.

Abbas called on the international community and all those concerned with human rights to put more pressure on Israel to abide by the principles of international law regarding the protection and health of prisoners, especially during the pandemic.

“We will not leave our heroic captives and their families and we will continue to do everything necessary to give them a decent life,” Abbas stressed. (T / RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)