Jakarta, MINA – General Secretary of the Central Executive Board (PP) of Muhammadiyah, Abdul Mu’ti, responded to the discourse on the return of Indonesian citizens, former ISIS combatants. According to him, this issue must be seen from three points of view.
Mu’ti said firstly, if they are Indonesian citizens and still have Indonesian passports, then they have the right to return to the country. Second, when viewed from a humanitarian point of view, many of them are not real people who have become ISIS combatants.
“Many of them did not know anything and then they were invited and joined (ISIS), well then if they were all beaten flat, it was not fair,” said Mu’ti in his statement at the Muhammadiyah Da’wah Center, Monday.
He said many people from other countries for humanitarian reasons were assisted by Indonesia. The period of ex-Indonesian citizens were not given assistance with a humanitarian approach. Third, Muhammadiyah understands that politically people who are worried about former ISIS combatants.
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But, Mu’ti stressed there still needs to be a middle ground solution. For example, they were allowed to return to Indonesia but rehabilitated beforehand until they are loyal to Pancasila. According to him, they could also be given political guidance. But don’t be denied entry into Indonesia. Because they came together and the data is clear.
“If we use humanitarian considerations, political considerations, also legal considerations. So, let them enter the country but they are given guidance so that they are politically loyal to the Pancasila, NKRI, and the 1945 Constitution, “he said.
Mu’ti said that Indonesian ISIS ex-combatants could not get along with the community. Then, just provide a place for them to undergo coaching. In a place of political quarantine.
“I think, maybe there needs to be political quarantine as a middle ground. So that they can return to their homeland, then get their rights with a humanitarian approach, then they are politically guided, ”he explained. (T/RE1)
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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)