Israeli Parliament Passes the Controversial Judicial Bill


Tel Aviv, MINA – The Israeli Parliament (Knesset) finally passed a judicial overhaul bill as an attempt by the government to overhaul the judicial system in the country.

In the voting on Monday, there was a difference of opinion. Opposition lawmakers shouted “shame” at those who continue to push for the bill to be passed.

The new vote was held after opposition members left the plenary session. The bill passed with a 64-0 ratio of support. The Knesset has 120 members.

With the passing of the bill, Israel’s Supreme Court is now unable to pass down a government decision on the grounds that the decision is “absurd”.

Justice Minister Yariv Levin is the “architect” of the plan. He said the Knesset had taken the first step in an important historic process to reform the judiciary.

The bill was opposed by the Israeli people. They carried out demonstrations for months. They think the law will further make Netanyahu immune to the law. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)