Indonesian Government Increases Rice Assistance Budget for Beneficiary Families

Photo: Tribunnews

Jakarta, MINA – The Indonesian government has increased the rice aid budget by IDR 8 trillion which will be distributed from October to December 2023.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati said the additional budget targeted 21.35 million beneficiary families.

“Each family gets 10 kilograms of rice per month. So they will gain 30 kilograms in three months,” Sri Mulyani said at the KiTa APBN press conference in Jakarta on Monday as quoted from

The Minister of Finance said the additional assistance was considering the economic conditions which were still facing a number of shocks and pressures in the midst of the recovery phase.

For this reason, the government strengthens protection for the poor and vulnerable groups through an additional social assistance budget.

On the other hand, the government also continues to strengthen infrastructure development to support community mobility.

The Minister of Finance revealed that the execution of the proposed infrastructure development budget of IDR 14.64 trillion is already underway.

The funds are used to handle 2,740.8 kilometers of roads and 1,350 meters of bridges.

Of the total budget, around IDR 7.45 trillion has been spent on the preservation or improvement of roads and bridges. Meanwhile, another IDR 7.20 trillion is still in the process of being realized.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Finance said that state spending through central government spending aimed directly at the public has reached IDR 492 trillion per semester I-2023.

The realization of social protection, farmers and MSMEs includes the Family Hope Program (PKH) of IDR 14.7 trillion for 9.8 million beneficiary families (KPM), Basic Food Cards of IDR 22.3 trillion for 18.7 million KPM, and Recipients of National Health Insurance Contribution Assistance (PBI JKN) of IDR 23.2 trillion for 96.7 million people.

Then, seed assistance, mulch and organic fertilizer amounting to IDR 463.7 billion; assistance of agricultural tools and machines of IDR 250 billion; cattle assistance Rp. 62.4 billion; as well as fish, crab and shrimp seed assistance of IDR 19.2 billion.

Next, spending is disbursed for education with details of the Smart Indonesia Program of IDR 6.1 trillion for 10.9 million students, the KIP Lecture Program of IDR 6.0 trillion for 710.7 thousand students, School Operational Assistance (BOS) through the Ministry of Religion of IDR 6.9 trillion for 6 million students, and Operational Assistance for State Universities (BOPTN) of IDR 2.3 trillion for 197 PTNs.

The next realization is infrastructure with details of infrastructure development/rehabilitation of IDR 60.7 trillion and disaster assistance of IDR 1.5 trillion.

Meanwhile, the realization of central government spending channeled through non-ministry/institutions includes electricity subsidies and compensation of IDR 42.9 trillion, fuel subsidies and compensation of IDR 57.7 trillion, 3-kilogram LPG subsidies of IDR 32.5 trillion, housing subsidies of IDR 344.7 billion and Pre-Employment Cards of IDR 2.28 trillion. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)