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Indonesia International Book Fair 2018 Officially Opened

Nidiya Fitriyah - Wednesday, 12 September 2018 - 23:42 WIB

Wednesday, 12 September 2018 - 23:42 WIB

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Jakarta, MINA – The Indonesia International Book Fair (IIBF) 2018 officially opened Wednesday (13/9). Bearing the theme “Creative Work Towards the Culture of Literacy”, this book exhibition takes place at Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Senayan, Jakarta 12-16 September 2018. 

The IIBF officially opened by The Leader of the Creative Economy Agency (Bekraf) Triawan Munaf, accompained by the Head of Development and Construction Language Agency of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Dadang Suhendar, and the Chairman of the Indonesian Publisher Association (IKAPI) Rosidayati Rozalina also the Chairman of IIBF Amalia Safitri in Plennary Hall JCC, Wednesday (12/9).

“We congratulate IKAPI who has hosted the 38th book exhibition, this is so wonderful, IKAPI has been consistent to host the International book exhibition,” said Triawan Munif on his speech. 

Held since 1980, IIBF is an annual exhibition organized by IKAPI.

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This year is the 38th edition. Since transforming in 2014, IIBF has become an international book exhibition.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of IKAPI Rosidayati explained, IIBF become the center for promotionsl, transaction, discussion, national and international interaction  for activists, publisher, writers, librarians, cultural and educational activists and other creative industry players. 

“For domestic participants, IIBF is the gateway to global markets. As for foreign participants, this international-standard book exhibition is the gateway to the giant market in Southeast Asia,” she added. 

This year IIBF is participated by more than 17 countries including Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, China, Korea, Japan, Germany, Thailand, India, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia.(LT/R04/P2)

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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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