Peace in Palestine = Peace in the World



Indonesia Holds Solidarity Action to Commemorate GMR in Palestine

sajadi - Friday, 29 March 2019 - 22:26 WIB

Friday, 29 March 2019 - 22:26 WIB


Jakarta, MINA – Indonesian Volunteer Society (MRI) held simultaneous actions in Indonesian’s 10 Provinces on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, to commemorate year of the Great March Return (GMR) movement in Palestine, as a form of commitment and MRI support for the Palestinian liberation struggle.

MRI President, Syuhelmaidi Syukur said as a voluntary community organization, MRI was very concerned about supporting various efforts to liberate Palestine from Israeli occupation, because of the value of volunteerism and humanity, beyond ethnic and geographical boundaries.

“This is a form of our commitment. MRI is not only for Indonesia, but also for the world. For the global world, MRI also always concern for those who are oppressed and tyrannized,” explained Syuhelmaidi in Jakarta, Friday.

Meanwhile, MRI Secretary General Ibnu Khajar explained, March 30, 2018 was the beginning of the birth of GMR movement, in which all Palestinians throughout the world moved back to their countries.

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“The movement is to jointly fight towards the liberation of Palestine, the liberation of Baitul Maqdis, the liberation of the waqf land of Muslims worldwide, the liberation of the land blessed by Allah SWT (The most glorified, the most high).”

“We invite all MRI volunteers and all Indonesian people in their bodies to flow the blood of the freedom fighter to participate in supporting this movement,” Ibnu said.

For this reason, he continued, MRI would hold simultaneous solidarity actions in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Central Java, West Java, East Java, West Sumatra, Bali, Central Sulawesi, Maluku and North Maluku.

“We will invite all elements to make a perfect prayer support, and logistical support for all Palestinians who will return to their country,” Ibnu explained. (TL/Sj/R04)

Also Read: 25 Palestinians Arrested by Israeli Military Raid in the West Bank

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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